Chapter 4, Section 5 Ancient Kush
Kush & Egypt
Women of Kush
Later Kush
Society was heavily influenced by Kush's geography, especially the Nile River
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Nubia was located south of Egypt.
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Kush was a major supplier for Egypt. They sent slaves, gold, copper, stone, ebony, wood, and ivory
Not always peaceful
Were neighbors
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Mostly desert area
Used to be more fertile
The Nile's floods allowed them to grow lots of crops like wheat, barley, and other assorted grains.
Ancient Nubia had many good minerals such as gold, copper, and stone. This played a big part in their lives and because of this, they were a very wealthy civilization.
Farming villages by the Nile thrived in 3500 BC
Certain farmers grew richer than others they became village leaders and, around 2000 BC a village leader took control of all the villages. He called this new kingdom Kush.
Nile floods were perfect for them because it allowed them to plant and harvest twice a year.
The pharohs army conquered all of the land north of the 5th cataract, making kush part of egypt
Egypt feared kush's army
They destroyed Kerma, the capital and built monuments and temples there instead.
Kush grew wealthier and so did their army
kush remained part of egypt for about 450 years
the current pharaoh sent an army to kush to take care of them before kush attacked them
Egypt influenced kush heavily
Kush became independant
egyptians settled in kush
No historical record of kush gaining independence until 200 years later
egyptian was the languge of kush
Kushites wore egyptian clothing, used egyptian names and practiced egyptian religion
During the mid 1000s the new kingdom in egypt was ending
Napatla became the new capital city it was 100 miles south of kerma and it was on th nile
the power if the pharaohs was lessing and so the kushites saw oppurtunity to seize their land back
As kush grew stronger, egypt grew weaker
When he died, his son phikianni, kept attacking
By 850 BC kush regained all its strength
In 751 he had taken upper egypt
In 700s the king of kush, katsha, seized egypt and attacked.
Kush captured egypts ancient capital
When phinanni died he had accomplished the job
Phikianni fought the egyptians because he believed that the gods wanted him to rule of egypt
they practiced similar belifs and other stuff
His brother Shabaka took control of the kingdom
shabaka believed he was a heir of the egyptian pharaohs and egypts great past
he declared himself pharaoh
this began the 25th dynasty in egypt. The kushite dynasty.
shabaka was buried in a pyramid like the egyptian pharaohs
culture thrived during 25h dynasty