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The Holy Spirit
But lets start with the fact, that God is triune. God the Trinity.
Do we believe in three gods or one? We believe in 1 God, who also is three persons. And we are like: how can this be?
We know from a lot of thing, that it can be one and three at the same time. People used a Clower as an image: 3 leaves but one plant. Or an egg - shell, eggwhite and the yolk - three but only one egg
But it's still different - because this is three persons. Someone compared it to him self. Very humble: the Trinity is like me.
I'm person, but people relate to me in different ways. To my parents I'm a son, to my wife I'm husband and to my kids I'm a father. Three person but only one.
It is all great, but the trinity surpasses all we can find here on earth. God is one, and yet he is three different persons at once. Who are all a part of God, but are all also 100% God.
We can find images to try to understand it, but in the end it surpasses our understanding. And you know what? I'm glad it does.
I'm glad the beeing of God is bigger than our brain. If we could understand him fully, he would not be bigger than someone who we created.
Fortunately he is bigger than that - and bigger than us. God is one - but he is also three.
Throughout the old testament we find occasionally find God spirit at work. And thats the second thing we learn about the Holy Spirit. It equips people
We find again and again people - mostly kings, prophets and priests who gets filled with the Holy Spirit.
The great king in the old testament David - when he is annointed to king we hear that the Spirit of God came opon David.
It was only a few people and it wes temporarily when they had a job to do.
The Holy Spirit - he gave wisdom and inspiration and skills. He equipped David to be king. A shepherd-boy who God made king.
But it equipped people
For you
Best thing is, that this is for all of us. No matter where we are, how skeptic we are or what we have done.
The disciple Peter are preaching a sermon on pentakost sunday just after the Holy Spirit arrived. He is telling everybody about what they experience with Jesus and then he says this: Acts. 2,37-38
This is for all of us. Acts are filled with people who encountered the Holy Spirit. Some longed for the Spirit to show in their lives. Others were skeptic about it, and some weren't aware of the Spirit.
No matter what you think of the Holy Spirit and what he is up to - we can ask him to fill you.
And we will do this be praying a simple prayer that we know from a churchfather from the second century. No magic. Just: Come Holy Spirit come.
You can do it on your own. But we will also offer it to you right now. Circle, silent, maybe guitar, enjoying the silent, praying. Pray it your self maybe. If someone want me to pray over you - raise your hand and I'll come lay my hans on your shoulder and pray the prayer.
But as times goes we find the prophecies that it will not always be like this. Joel 2,18ff.
The Holy Spirit is a lifegiver and equippes people. But something will happen that unleases the Holy Spirit to all people who have faith.
Then it wont matter if you are a king, a prophet or a priest. The Holy Spirit will come opon all believers. Young and old.
And he will be a lifegiver and equippes them in their lifes.
And that is excatly that happend after Jesus came, died, rose again and ascented into heaven.
We could spend a whole day talking about the gifts of the spirit. But the mainidea is, that as the Spirit of God in the old testament equipped David to be king.
As for now he will equip each and everyone of us to be a part of the church. And he'll do that by giving of gifts of the spirit
If you believe in him and are baptised God has also given you a gift of the spirit for you to use in the fellowship the church is.
We could dive into a lot of them. But varies from practical gifts like hospitality and a helpfull spirit to the more-to-us extraordinary gifts like healing-prayer or speaking i tongues, where your prayer langues becomes weird sounding.
Various, but not better than the other. But all the Holy Spirit working inside us with the gifts of the spirit.
It is about the holy spirit. And theres just something exciting and a bit mystical about the Holy spirit.
For me it has always been easy to relate to God father - because he createt everything and promised me he would be a father to me. And image I can relate to.
Same goes for Jesus - he took human form as a jewish man from nazareth. He died and rose. And after a while I can almost picture him. Although in my mind he looks a bit more european than he properly is.
But the Holy Spirit? It is so easy for him to slide between after fingers. He is a bit fluffy? Who is the Holy Spirit? And what do he do?
Meet him
So where do we meet the Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost as he is also refered to?
In the old testament we meet him as the Spirit of God. Gen. 1,1-2 - The spirit was there at creation, and as we read we see, that it is the spirit that give and maintains life.
Hebrew word for Spirit is Ruach. And it means Spirit, breath, wind. Gen. 2,7 - Gods breaths his Holy Spirit on Adam, and he becomes a live.
And it is a thought throughout the whole bible, that the God through the Holy Spirit is giving everything life and maintains it. Holy Spirit is a lifegiver.
In the same way the holy spirit also work in us with the fruits of the spirit. love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control
The idea is that the Holy Spirit is now living inside of us. And he is al about these fruits and he is contagious
So over time he will infect you with more joy, more peace, more love.
In that way he also equip us. He is a lifegiver and equips people.
Filled with
So now we know what he is up to. But through out the bible we again come across people who long for the Holy Spirit to fill them
We know he is there - but again and again we see people are moved by the Holy Spirit in a powerfull way. It is in a way to experience what we already have - the nearness and love of God.
People experienced joy, peace og love. They experienced the gift suddently surfaced. They experienced an interlektual thing, where everything suddently made sense. A cold og warm feeling
To be filled with the Holy Spirit is not something extraordinary, as we already how the Spirit, but at the same time the experience can vary from down to earth-thing to on the moon-things.
It is pentakost this weekend - and this weekend we celebrate the event where the Holy Spirit came and fired up the church. As lifegiver and equipper.
Acts 2,1ff - see who the Holy Spirit is becoming a part of the them. Resting opon them. Giving them life and equipping them.
It lit a fire in the church and it still does today.
A part of your life
So how does the Holy Spirit become a part of my life? By faith and baptisme
When we have faith in God, we open our self to the Holy Spirit and grant him space in our lifes. In baptisme we recieve the Holy Spirit as a gift from God.
Like David recieved the Holy Spirit when he was annointed king. The promise God has given is that the Holy Spirit will then dwell in us. Be a part of of us.
Life and equipment
And then do what? Yes - that is a great question. Thanks for asking. He gives life and equippes
The life he help gives us is enabling us to have faith in God. The Holy Spirit help us believing in him
And he equips us. He want to give os gifts of the spirit and fruits of the spirit.