“In terms of the three key players (competitors, customers, company) strategy is defined as the way in which a corporation endeavors to differentiate itself positively from its competitors, using its relative corporate strengths to better satisfy customer needs.”
Kenichi Ohmae, “The Mind of the Strategist”
“Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position, involving a different set of activities.”
Michael Porter “What is Strategy?”
“the direction and scope of an organization over the long term, which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a changing environment and to fulfill stakeholders expectations”
Johnson and Scholes
Eisner’s theory may have been:
People will pay a premium price for extraordinary entertainment. We have the necessary resources to create extraordinary entertainment. Therefore, let’s redeploy our resources in a different way and offer something extraordinary to people.
The purpose of the organization: intent/ mission/ competitive advantage
The organization and its resources: resource allocation/ acquisition/ development/ allocation/ utilization/ commitments/ leverage/ combinations/ capabilities/competencies/ costs/ strengths/ weaknesses
The organization - environment interface: changing/ adapting/ reinventing/ innovating/ learning/recognizing and exploiting patterns/ positioning/ competing/ cooperating/ managing opportunities and threats
The boundaries of the organization: corporate scope/ growth options/
The architecture of the organization: structures/ processes/ practices/ integration/ incentives/ governance/ capacity for learning/ flexibility/
The performance of the organization: sustaining/ improving/
The future of the organization: preparing for/ thinking about/ developing options for/ making choices about/ surviving in.
Your picture of a future state for the enterprise
A mental image of a possible and desirable future that is realistic, credible, and attractive. A enduring picture of what the firm wants to be and, in broad terms, what it wants to ultimately achieve.
Stretches and challenges people and evokes emotions and dreams.
Strategic Intent what the organization ultimately wants to be and do. It Is the leveraging of an enterprise’s internal resources, capabilities, and core competencies to accomplish what may at first appear to be unattainable goals in the competitive environment
POPULARIZED BY Gary Hamel and C.K.Prahalad (1989).
Refers to the purpose of the organization and the ends it wishes to pursue.
Represents the organization’s belief about its state of the future.
The ends the organization wishes to pursue vary from being long term (vision and mission), to being narrow with a focus on the short term (objectives or goals)
What business we are in?
What do we want to be known for/as in future?
In what way will the organization serve the interests of the various stakeholders?
How does the organization define its various scopes of businesses?
How broad, aggressive, and powerful will the organization’s intent be defined?
Mission (or Purpose)
A sense of mission is an emotional response to questions to do with what people are doing, why they are doing them, what they are proud of, what they are enthusiastic about, what they believe in.