D Unavailable (privilege, refusal to testify, incapacity, subpoena, memory) PRISM (i) she is exempted from testifying because the court rules that a privilege applies, (ii) she refuses to testify concerning the statement despite a court order to do so, (iii) she testifies to not remembering the subject matter of the statement, (iv) she cannot testify because she has died or is ill, or (v) she is absent and the statement's proponent is unable to procure her attendance or testimony by process or other reasonable means
Former Testimony: think prior deposition, same D Opportunity and similar motive to develop testimony.
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Dying declaration: declarant statement must concern cause or circumstance of death, believe death is imminent, exception only applies to civil case and criminal homicide cases.
Declaration against interests: Under the Federal Rules, statements of a person, now unavailable as a witness, against that person’s pecuniary, proprietary, or penal interest when made are admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule