Benefits Using Technology Risks
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If you don't log out of your computer, your personal data could be stolen (John O'Shea)
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Uses less paper and ink so its environmentally friendly (Catherine Cronin)
Phones and iPads are light and easy to carry around (John O'Shea)
Can be difficult to get used to (Helen O'Grady)
All parts of a computer must be wired up together properly or else it could cause and accident (John O'Shea)
You must keep the camera covered at all times when you are on your phone as your personal information could be stolen (Claire Fleming)
Putting too much information on your social media pages can lead to being bullied (Claire Fleming)
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Washing machines and dishwashers save you handwashing clothes and dishes (Helen O'Grady)
You must dispose of old equipment properly as your personal data is at risk (Helen O'Grady)
You can bank online, shop online and access government services online without having to go to town to their offices (Catherine Cronin)
Less storage space for paper and files is needed because it is all online on the internet (Claire Fleming)
You can read books and newspapers online (John O'Shea)
You can learn and study online (Claire Fleming)
Its easier to communicate with people from all over the world and its instant (Helen O'Grady)
If you haven't saved your documents and the electric power goes out, you could lose all your work (Catherine Cronin)
If you don't update your device with antivirus and other updates, your device is at risk of being hacked (Catherine Cronin)
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On social media, you dont know who you are communicating with. They might have a false identity (John O'Shea)
Its important to wipe down technology before and after use especially with Covid 19 still around (Catherine Cronin)
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If used incorrectly, can be dangerous (Helen O'Grady)
Keep your passwords safe and never write them down or give them to anybody as your personal information could be taken (Claire Fleming).
Increases productivity in businesses (Helen O'Grady)
Automated factory lines are much faster than doing everything by hand (John O'Shea)
Everything can be saved online to the cloud (Claire Fleming)
MRI scans and CT scans allow doctors to diagnose illnesses alot better (Catherine Cronin)