Geography Field work

how does quality of life vary across an urban area

How do coastal processes and management impact on the coast

Inquiry process

finding a good source of secondary data

using different methods to present and process data

completing the fieldwork and recording data

analysis of results

decide what methods to use to collect primary data

drawing conclusions

asking a question

evaluating and reflecting on the enquiry

key words



secondary data

primary data

types of sampling




ways to present data


pie charts

word cloud

line graphs


scatter graph

field sketch



bar graphs

box and whisker diagram

mapping data

groyne measurements

longshore drift

sediment analysis

wave frequency

beach profile

quality of life

job availability

crime rates



parks and open spaces




public services

food accessability

income / affluence / GDP

everywhere has an equal chance of being chosen, no bias but can miss important data

an equal number of results in each category, represents all categories, needs prior research and preparation

a clear plan to collect data, can reveal a pattern, this could miss important data

newspaper article

blogs/social media




field sketch

adv - easy method, repeatable, compare results

dis - poles can be at an angle, tape can get wet, weather

measure the angle between two poles in the ground

primary, quantitative

record the size of different pebbles using a calliper

adv - easy to find samples, easy comparison

primary, quantitative

dis - cannot measure when too small, human error

measure the height of the groyne from both sides to find sediment build up

adv - can be done at different locations, easy to do and compare

primary, quantitative

dis - tides can interfere, low resolution, human error

throw a ball into the water and record the distance it travels in 5 minutes

adv - shows prevailing wind, easy to compare

primary, quantitative

dis - tides vary, weather can impact results, winds change directions

count how many waves are seen in a set time

adv - helps identify if a wave is destructive or constructive

primary, quantitative

dis - vary from weather, human error

a basic sketch of key features you can see

adv - visual representations, compared to images

primary, qualitative

dis - inaccurately drawn, hard to understand

pictures taken of land features

adv - compare to other years, take multiple

primary/secondary qualitative

dis - tampered with easilyand become quickly outdated

series of questions asked to the public

dis - biased answers, people can lie

primary, qualitative

adv - range of opinions, repeated and compared

previously written reports

adv - gives facts from events, conveys key information

secondary, qualitative

dis - can be outdated, may be biased

look at opinions of others on social media

adv - shows opinions, gives a range of free results

secondary, qualitative

dis - biased, can be outdated

identify key features and landmarks on a map

adv - key geological knowledge, more accurate

secondary, qualitative

dis - can be outdated, not everyone can read them