Military Structure
Civil Structure
The North Atlantic Council
Secretary General
NATO Headquarters
Millitary Commitee
Executive body: The International Military Staff (IMS)
Allied Command Operations (ACO)
S.H.A.P.E (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe)
Allied Command Transformation (ACT)
Cooperative structures
NATO-Russia Council
Mediterranean Dialogue
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
Partnership for Peace
Istanbul Cooperation Initiative
Non-article 5 missions
Bośnia i Hercegowina
1991 – New strategic concept - USSR is no longer a threat, but there are new more complex threats, missions outside NATO are becoming more important, nuclear power isn't needed that much anymore
Contingency planning - designing scenarios of reaction to potential threats
Forward Presence - deployment of military into countries like Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania to protect rest of Europe
1967 - flexible response - mutual deterrence (after cuban crisis - Kennedy)
Enhanced Forward Presence 2016 - after Russia's invasion of Crimea and War in Donbass - deployment of four multinational battalion groups to member states at risk of Russian Invasion
The concept of shield and sword (arms + nuclear potential)
After 1950 - Massive retaliation (coined by Eisenhower administration in 1954)
Tailored Forward Presence - Additional support for Romania and Bulgaria
1950 - all activities aimed at collective defence and planning
Very High Joint Readiness Task Force
Even faster in deploying than NATO Response Forces
Every year one member country is responsible for dedicating troops to serve in VJTF
Currently France
2019 Space Policy - space as a new operational domain, alongside air, land, sea and cyberspace - investing in space-based satellites
deployment of troops (60 tyś + 32 tyś) between 1995 and 2004
First Implementation Force (IFOR) then Stabilisation Force (SFOR)
(KFOR) - Peacekeeping forces in Kosovo - since 1999
They are gradually reducing operations untill Kosovo security forces become self sufficient
(ISAF) - International Security Assistance Force (2003 - 2014)
Established under the request of the Afghan authorities and a UN mandate in 2001
Mission: develop new Afghan security forces and enable Afghan authorities to provide effective security across the country