Georgetown Americas Institute - Program of Social Inclusion in Latin America


Populism in Latin America

Migration in Latin America

Public Policies - CCTs - Culture and Sports

Latin America and the US relationship

Ethnic minorities and rural communities


Research - Policy briefs and papers - Case studies

Conferences - Lectures

Social Inclusion Center - Networking - regional actors - Private, Public, Academic, and Third-Sector Actors


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How to address inequality in LA? What is the impact of inequality in democracy in LA?

What is the impact of migration in LA? How is the region facing this challenge? What are the improvement opportunities?

How to address the hegemonic relation between LA and the US to build a social inclusion hemisphere? China's increased presence could be a key. How Should the United States Compete with China’s Belt and Road Initiative? Is the Build Back Better the answer?

Is inequality a cause for casting populist rulers in LA?

Successful cases reducing social gaps in ethnic and rural communities

What is the impact of CCTs in LA. Rethinking public policies that reduce social gaps.

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Critical challenges the region face on inequality

The Venezuelan humanitarian crisis has become the second-largest external displacement crisis in the world.

The hegemonic relationship between the US and LA have an impact on the social-economic development of the region

Populist rulers form left to right wings have been elected

We live in a high polarized world, LA is not the exception

China has increased its presence in LA in the last years. The US is just reacting to keep its influence in its "back-yard"

Perhaps, LA had reduced inequality before the pandemic, it is the most unequal region in the world.

Rural and ethnic communities are the most relevant challenges that any socia inclusion policy will face

Comparative Politics, Public Policy, and International Relation

The Georgetown Americas Institute’s Social Inclusion in Latin America Program (SILAP) is a multi-year academic resource and platform for the dialogue, research, and impact around the key challenges facing Latin America and the hemisphere on inequality.