BS Pain Treatment Plan
What influences pain
What fosters healthy CNS functioning
Pain scripts "Stories we tell about pain"
Memories of being in pain before
Fear of being in pain in future
True/Organic biological causes
Life stress
Muscle tension
Diaphragmatic breathing
Lengthening the exhalation (4 secs in, 5 out; 5 secs in, 6 out)
Visual imagery - releasing tension in muscles
Body scans - parts of body in pain vs not in pain.
Nurture both.
Paying attention to body sensations without attaching meaning to pain
Putting out welcome mat because "it's already here"
Pain is not an identity
Expanding pain tolerance is a viable goal when pain relief is not occurring
Moment-to-moment present day awareness. Do not project into the future. The future is not here.
Your body is not your enemy. Foster new scripts that do not only feature pain but other bodily experiences
Excessive attention to pain signals
Excessive "fighting" of pain
Feeling invalidated by others
Defensiveness and feeling threatened
Resisting "always" and "nevers", "shoulds and coulds"
Mindlessness (in contrast to mindfulness)
Uncertainty invites negative thinking
Judgments and interpretations of pain and our identities
Lifestyle Changes
Social support, community through belonging and identity
Routines counter uncertainty
Not letting pain dictate the day. Pace & modify.
Regular mindfulness practices
Experiencing the body in pleasure (vs pain)
Using memory aids to encourage habits
Biofeedback/HRV exercises covered
Symmetrical breathing via "Box" breathing 4 x 4 x 4 x 4
Visualizing health and quality and life
Guided imagery for pain
Next OV: Cognitive restructuring for pain - testing out beliefs