Design Solution AT2 Small Business Logo and
Repeated Pattern
Due date week 18
Aim of assessment
Technical specification
What to submit
Assessment breakdown
You will be participating in a simulated situtation of working with a client to
develop a logo for their small business that will be selling their products at
the local market in their area. For this simulation your “client” will be a
fellow class member.
To complement the logo design, you will also be developing a repeated
pattern to apply to an element that the small business could use as further
advertising of the business. This could include, but not limited to, the tissue
paper or wrapping paper that they put around their items, the bag they
carry the item home in or any sort of merchandise they may like.
Part 1 – Client Collaboration
Part 2 – Research
Part 3 – Hand design round
Part 4 - Digital design round (based on the feedback from the client)
• EVD must be completed in InDesign and exported as a PDF
• Any printed elements must be in CMYK and 300dpi
• Logo and repeated pattern to be created in Adobe Illustrator as vector graphics
“Packaged” ai file of the logo
“Press Quality” PDF of the logo
“Smallest file size” PDF of the completed EVD
Repeated pattern
“Packaged” ai file of the repeated pattern
“Press Quality” PDF of the repeated pattern
Naming convention