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20th Century - Coggle Diagram
20th Century
The interwar period (1919-1939)
In late October 1929, there was a terrible financial crisis. The main cause was an over-inflation of prices of stock products on Wall Street. It was President Franklin D. Roosevelt who, managed to reverse the situation partially.
Meanwhile, in Germany in 1933, one party, the NSDAP, took advantage of the financial crisis and the discontent of the impoverished middle class.
Germany, even before the start of World War II, launched a kind of Central European economic colonialism. This colonialism set a precedent for the open confrontation that began with the violation of the Polish border on September 1, 1939.
World War II and afterwards
The consequences of World War II were terrible. The total death toll is about 50 to 60 million people.
Many subjugated territories of the colonial era fought for their political independence from their metropolis. The key decade is from 1955 to 1965. Decolonization started in Asia, moved to the Maghreb and then to sub-Saharan Africa (1960 mass decolonization).
The United States provoked the Japanese surrender by dropping two atomic bombs on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9). Soviet forces took control of Berlin on May 2, 1945.
The United Nations was founded to ensure that there would never again be a conflict on the scale of World War II.
Europe formed the European Community, the forerunner of the European Union with the signing of the Treaty of Rome (1957).
Many subjugated territories of the colonial era fought for their political independence from their metropolis. The key decade is from 1955 to 1965. Decolonization started in Asia, moved to the Maghreb and then to sub-Saharan Africa (1960 mass decolonization).
Late 20th Century
Los regímenes comunistas cayeron dramáticamente en Rumania o mediante reformas políticas en Polonia y Checoslovaquia, Alemania se unificó y Yugoslavia se dividió trágicamente en Bosnia y Herzegovina, Croacia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia del Norte, Serbia y Eslovenia desgarrada por la guerra.
En 1989 el bloque comunista comenzó su desmantelamiento cuya intención era salvar el comunismo para la Unión Soviética. Al mismo tiempo, la URSS estaba liberando a los países del Este de su influencia ideológica.
La URSS se convirtió en una federación de estados, inicialmente independientes pero con un claro predominio ruso, mientras se desmantelaba el Muro de Berlín (9 de noviembre de 1989) .
El siglo se ha convertido en algo distinto, separado de nuestro siglo XXI temprano. Era la era de la globalización, un nuevo término que apareció a principios de la década de 1990 para referirse a un mundo más integrado, basado en interconexiones económicas, culturales y políticas.
Al mismo tiempo, la globalización significó que aquellos sin la infraestructura adecuada, las comunicaciones, el poder económico o político se quedaron atrás en este nuevo proceso de integración. Una sucesión muy rápida de desarrollos, especialmente a partir de 1980, significó que las cosas no fueran exactamente lo mismo.
Otro punto de inflexión fue el 11/09/2001, el atentado terrorista contra el New World Trade Center y otros objetivos de interés de la llamada potencia hegemónica. El 11 de septiembre de 2001 significó nuevos desafíos para EE.UU. y sus aliados.
Early 20th Century and the road to World War I
By 1899-1900, the so called «civilised world», celebrated the arrival of the new century enthusiastically (20th Century)
A Second Industrial Revolution had been added to the first, with electric power, the automobile engine, transatlantic crossings, etc. Despite this seemingly wild development, the reasons for the riots were not clearly visible. They had entered into one of rivalry and militarization that manifested itself in Central Europe and also in the colonial territories.
Gavrilo Prinzip assassinated Franz Ferdinand, along with his wife Sofia. This assassination served as a pretext to start the First World War. The war lasted from the summer of 1914 to November 1918.
These are countries that were involved in the war: France, Great Britain, Belgium, Serbia, Greece, Italy, Russia, United States and on the other hand: Germany, Austria-Hongaria, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
By 1917, Russia withdrew from the war in exchange for large territorial concessions to the Central Powers. The war helped spark the Soviet revolution.
Germany and the rest of the Central Powers ended up capitulating: the Peace of Versailles (1919)