The American Declaration of Independence in 1776 was caused by the British trying to affirm their royal authority on the thriteen colonies
long-term causes
short-term causes
proclamation of 1763
limited the colonies from expanding beyond the Appalachuan mountains
from British pov: keep colonists away from Native American lands
from American pov: keep colonists restricted to the coast and therefore keep them away and dependent from Great Britain
Sugar Act 1764
British adjusted tax on molasses
on the opposit of old tax that had higher prices but was never enforced, the new tax had lower but was always enforced
this law served Britain's interest as it permited them to regain money after Seven years war in 1763
Stamp Act
required ALL legal documents being printed on paper that had been stamped
contributed the empire through undirect taxes such as customs duties
British pov: use revenue to protect 13 colonies American pov: colonists didn't believe it Britain controlled all North America
"no taxation without representation" money extracted from the American without their consent
no stamp eventually, so short-term cause but American's distrust grew
BUT in 1767 Declaratory Act
tax colonies in all cases
Tea Act 1773
permitted East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonies
British had the monopoly on tea trade
Boston massacre
confrontation nine British soldiers shot 5 people out of a a crowd
inflamed hostilities and intansified revolutionary sentiment among the colonists
even though the tea would be cheaper, colonists rejected underlying principles
Boston Tea Party
Sons of Liberty dressed as Mowhawk Indians representing unconquerable liberty
shipped loads of tea into the sea
June 1774: Parliament response to the “Intolerable Acts”
Boston Harbor closed until destroyed tea was paid for
Chorus of Act
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