Childhood Centerdness
Palmer 2007 'Toxic Childhood'
- Adults increasingly using technologies to act as an alternative to traditional childrearing practices 'electronic baby sitters'
- Put into front of TV
- Children are deprived of traditional childhood (No talking,reading)
More developmental disorders e.g ADHD/Autism
Movement into child bedrooms and news destabilises children
- American 80s 1 in 50,000 autistic
- 2004 1 in 166
Deborah Chambers 2012
- value children from economic benefits to emotional reasons
Falling Birth rates = Smaller families
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Pester power, children now consumers, growing materialism
Contraception 1960
- choose people to have less children, more invested in them
Government Policy
2004 Children Act
- Every child matters, focuses on well being of children. Birth to 19
Child Support Act 1991
- Care and upbringing of children
Butler Act 1994
- Promised secondary education for all
Foster Education Act 1870
- Compulsory Education
Increased Paranoid Parenting
- Media shows e.g super nanny
- Bad events
Increased standards of living
- Less illness, industrialisation changed modern attitudes of childhood
Jenks 2005
- Threat to childhood innocence as media is used to create identities (Commercialisation of childhood)
Willmott and Young
- Stratified Diffusion, distinction between child and adult first appeared in Upper class.
Children of the rich got superior education. Some laws, but children still worked for adults income. - Status of being a child differs between cultures, especially evident in poorer countries
Postman (1994)
- Child/adult line blurred, exposed to adult world earlier.
- Children have access to adult media e.g tv, pornography
Kirsty Young 2010
- Children dominate family hierarchy
- Government became family and child focused (end of 20th century link to policies)
Aries (1973)
- 18th + 16th century
- Little adults
- Didnt live long so treated poorly
- Economic asset
- Childhood not innocent
(French and Spanish Royalty. Not taboo to be sexual with children)
- Unit of consumption from unit of production
Tim Gill "No fear" 2007
- Children growing up faster not correct
- Parental fears dont allow them to grow up
- not given independence
- IVF children not living up to parent standards
- Paranoid parents deprive children of experiences
- Conc of resources
- Concerns about wellbeing
- Protection from dangers of adult world
- Golden child syndrome
- not able to become an individual due to pressure from parents
- helicopter parenting
- paranoid parenting
- overly protected
sexual consent now 16
leave home at 18 or more