Similarities and diferences
Foreign policy
The government was an authoritarian dictatorship
These regimes pursued an expansionist foreign policy to gain new territories and new markets and raw materials
The state intervened in and controlled the economy.
Almost all the classes of society supported the regime because they were controlled and informed by the state
The USSR: Stanilism
Political power
Social equallity
Constitution of 1936
Granted citizens' rights such as universal suffrage.
Kominterd (Third international)
Used propaganda and repression to impose his dictatorship.
Tried to spread communism across Europe
Collecsivation of land
Nationalism of existing industries
Expropriation of property by force and forced obligation of the workers to cultivate the land collectively
Investment in and creation of heavy industry, such as iron and steel, and the production of capital goods
Guaranteeing healthcare, education and housing for all citizens.
Italian Fascism
Social policies
He transferred all power to himself. He was the leader of the only political party, head of the government and head of the army
Mines and the arms industry were nationalised and large scale public works projects were begun
Put an end to the unrest because he removed workers' rights, such as the right to a union and to strike
Nazi Germany
Third Reich
Economic development
Nazi Party became the only legal political party and persecuted anyone who opposed it
Unemployment fell due to a programme of public works and the development of the arms industry.