B-Cognitive: High. Non-instrumental thinkes. Learning is continuous. We never stop learning. Learning is how to be human, because the being needs and drives - cognition is a different way of thinking about life, urself and being you. Being you become u more human. Being. Giving - how can I contribute? Musician have music in the soul that needs to give, the expression. Our thinking becomes my contribution, my give, and want to give more cuz the expression itself growing compassion. Sense of self - transcendental. Is not about u anymore, is through u. Creativity comes through me. Highest form of executive thinking. High beingness to develop. Move intentions, meaning questions. What is the mearning of? What is the mearning of that? Full of meaning. Increase passion, commitment, joy, life. Semantic give more mearning cuz its semantic loaded and turn pattern. Semantic reloaded. I wanna do for its own sake and not get out of this. Discerniment. Wisdom (give a situation, if u come up with some answer that u r appropriate in that moment in that time. assume you do that, isnt wisdom anymore). Baby - 2 mothers, cortar o bebe no meio, comprar o bebe, divide the baby... uma mae libera para a outra cuidar - in that moment, time and context, it was so wise. Wisdom as soon it appears it disappears. A great moment of wisdom became knowledge. Being cognition, having a great insight and once have it, became knowledge. Wisdom is very realtive to a moment, situation, where in that momento suddenly u see something that gonna make everything much better because its relevant. Wisdom literature - proverbios, biblia, when u read we dont have the eurekas time because isnt relevant for the moment. We can move ourselves to wisdom, always be on the state of compassion, seeking to understand. Wisdom is part of the cognition that help us to discern. One of the executive cognitive is decision. A Why is a decision more than just an economic decision. Being cognition comes from being, we dont experience this because we r not able to understand our state and sense of transcedence.Being silence make us to perceber as coisas. Using thinking to learning, create new patterns. Hope: power of predict thinking of the future. Nós criamos uma antecipação por um sofrimento de algo no futuro que ainda não aconteceu, nos tornando ''miseráveis'' por isso. The best gift we can give to ppl. Help ppl to stop thinking destructive ways. Intuition - malcolm glewell / blink / book think - daniel kahneman thinking fast and slow... in tuition - tuition is knowing and in is in-knowing. U dont know anything inside out. Knowledge