We are Liars Timeline

Cadence's birth

Johnny born three weeks later

Summer 8

Ed and Carrie falls in love

Cadence meets Gat for the first time and readers are introduced to the liars.

Summer 14

Gat and Cadence confess their love for each other

Cadence doesn't believe in love

Summer 15

Cadence finds Gat writing rose letters to her but thinks its for his New York girlfriend, Raquel.

The liars talk about their beliefs and God

Gat talks about his view of the world

Gat & Cadence write their names on each others hands

Gat & Cadence kissing in the attic. Granddad walks in on them. Granddad threatens Gat, "watch yourself, young man."

Granddad likes to retell key moments of his life

Granny Tipper dies due to heart failure

The Sinclairs act normal and does not mention Granny Tipper

Cadence's Dad occasionally mentions Gran

"Be normal because you be, because you are."

Cadence's Dad leaves and divorces.

The Liars plan to burn Clairrmont

Clairmont is a symbol of wealth, power and everything wrong.

The sisters are arguing about their inheritance all the time

The liars smash granddad's ivory statues

The adults and littles leave the island

The liars are drunk on their aunt's wine.

The Liars splash Gasoline all over Clairmont, Cadence lits the first floor on fire while the Liars are upstairs and in the basement

The Liars and goldens burning with Clairmont

Cadence throws herself in the water and gets a head injury

diagonosed with pose-traumatic headaches

loses her memories

did not investigate the fire

Summer 16

Writes letters & emails to the liars thinking they are alive

Starts giving away her things

Goes to Europe with her dad this summer

Granddad paid for the Europe trip

Rebuilt Clairmont on their ashes

Summer 17

Cadence returns to Beechwood island

sees the liars' ghosts at Cuddledown

slowly recovers all her memories

the whole family grieves their loss of the Liars

eldest granddaughter

lives in vermont