Computer Technologies in Healthcare

Overview of technology in healthcare

Computer technology is used to improve

healthcare delivery and accessibility

patient care and safety

the relationship between healthcare
providers and patients

Disease and outbreak control

Healthcare is the organized provision of medical care to individuals and communities

Healthcare software/applications

AI in healthcare

to mine and manage medical data

to predict and diagnose diseases

to develop new medicine/drugs

for better management of patient flow in
healthcare facilities

to assist in surgeries

to detect or predict outbreaks of
infectious diseases

AI is used to mine and manage the data of this size, in a short time, to produce valuable information

Healthcare dashboards

It enables healthcare professionals to access important information in real -time

Example of dashboards

Hospital KPI dashboard

Patient satisfaction dashboard

Hospital performance dashboard

Infectious disease dashboard

Disease modelling & outbreak prediction

Using computer technology and data to predict when and where disease outbreaks might occur


Also known as computational biology, computational genomics, genomic data science

M-Health (Mobile Health)

Healthcare personnel use mobile devices and mobile apps

Allows practitioners to complete task in location or away from the computer

M-health usage benefits:

help people stick to their medication regimen by tracking pills they have and have not taken

prompting them to take a certain drug (medicine)

allowing them to log any symptoms

connect a patient with their healthcare provider to improve ease and speed of contact

the decline of paper -based communication and documentation filing

Wearable technology in healthcare

Healthcare IoT (Internet of Medical

3D printing

Electronic health/medical records

Health information system

Health informatics

Medical imaging technologies

Computer-assisted surgeries

Telehealth & telemedicine

Enriching medical education

Other applications of IT in

Issues and Challenges

Not user friendly/user frustration

Poor support

Slow technical support

Slow/poor connection

Isolated systems

Budget limitation