The moral value of equality in capitalism and socialism
thesis: the value of socialism and capitalism has the importance of the developed society that keeps the maintance of a comunity of equality of oportunities and division of social clases
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the importance of ideal socialism in a society makes the moral value of equality and equity of oportunities. thesis: the value of socialism and capitalism has the importance of the developed society that keeps the maintance of a comunity of equality of oportunities and division of social clases
impact of the diferent economical sistem on the technological and cultural aspect of each country.
to end and finalize the theme the main idea of the whole investigation is to understand how economical systems had lead to the founds of the whole society, its development, necesities, problems and solutions. this is why the value of socialism and capitalism from a moral view are really horrible and non humanitarian. also having again the fact that the value of socialism and capitalism has the importance of the developed society that keeps the maintance of a comunity of equality of oportunities and division of social clases, this meaning that there aint a moral correct economical system.
oportunitirs in capitalism inequality moral that shows capitalism by giving more power to the powerful and less power to the poor so
comparison of capitalism and socialism
capitalism inequality in the diferen societys is really unfaair and it makes more problems thansolutions to every body
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benefits and disadvantages taking into account each functionality of systems
this means that the socialist think that the equality of oportunities is the important factors so it maintains the ideal of giving more benefits who work more and less to the laisi but it isnt a diference of hereditating that you can do anything at all and gain more benfits than someone that would brake his back each day to gain none benefit
equiletarism inequality
Equality refers to the idea that individuals in society should have access to the same life chances and/or outcomes as each other. Broadly, all socialists agree that inequality created by Capitalism should be either eradicated or at least reduced and managed. In this sense, there is a unanimity across the socialist tradition with regards to rejecting things like natural hierarchy. However, there are more disagreements amongst socialists than points of consensus, particularly with regards to different types of equality. Specifically, equality of opportunity and absolute equality are understood differently by various socialists.
Ul-Hoque, R., Shafique, A., Shafique, A., & Paul, A. (2022). Socialism and Equality - OnlyPhysics. Retrieved 18 May 2022, from
this makes that the issue is really based on what interest each person haves as for power and more money is to have a huge amount of money and have low competition which is the form of the comunism giving more power to the rich and less to the poor
masive problem of the socialism is the huge and masive power it gives to a single person that rises the nation as a dictatorship which is an unbalanced and non logical fact that suposely its about to give everyone the same oportunities
the socialism is based on equitative power and oportunities which lead to a certain balance of rights for everyone.and a base of equality of oportunities giving a fair chance for everyone who desires it
The dilemma, Marx explains, is that even after the overthrow of the capitalist system, residues of the previous system would permeate the new socialist society. First, there would be the human remnants of the now-discarded capitalist system. Among them would be those who want to restore the system of worker exploitation for their own ill-gotten profit gains. Equally a problem would be the fact that the “working class,” although freed from the “false consciousness” that the capitalist system under which they had been exploited was just, would still bear the mark of the capitalist psychology of self-interest and personal gain.
Socialism Requires a Dictator | Richard M. Ebeling. (2022). Retrieved 18 May 2022, from
It gives maximum leverage to the capital holders, who can determine the course of production completely without having to take into account ethical dilemmas like workers conditions, compensation, environmental safeguards etc. There is a clear advantage to owners of capital, be they self made or inheritors of wealth. Thus, the rich have ample opportunities to make profits while employing the poorer sections of society who labour away at low salaries. Because production activities are fuelled by the desire to make money, there is no guarantee of welfare in such a setup.
(2022). Retrieved 18 May 2022, from
A political philosophy based on principles of community decision making, social equality, and the avoidance of economic and social exclusion, with preference to community goals over individual ones. Any of various economic and political philosophies that support social equality, collective decision-making, distribution of income based on contribution and public ownership of productive capital and natural resources, as advocated by socialists. The intermediate phase of social development between capitalism and full communism. This is a strategy whereby the state has control of all key resource-producing industries and manages most aspects of the economy, in contrast to laissez-faire capitalism.
(2022). Retrieved 18 May 2022, from
economical systems influenced in the developing of technologie such that the production and explotation of resources is easier and more managable to gain profit at all cost
the moral and ethics of the systems development affect how the society creates non moral or ethicals proven methods for benefit. this making the problems a way of fructual benefit so there have to be problems tos solve this is why very insignificant problems are erradicated at all
the culture is affected by political and economical systemas and it can be seen for example in capitalism that is better for a company to trash a normal and full meal instead of giving it free as it would lower the price
When we say, “you are what you consume,” are we mistaking possession with consumption? Using archival research, students can investigate how consumption has emerged to be a more visible and vital factor in ‘post-industrial’ societies, in which we identify more as consumers than producers. Employing qualitative research methods, students can explore the constant reshaping and communication of the self through consumption. Entailing identity shift from ascribed to achieved status roots in urbanization and industrialization, individuals take on the opportunity and challenge to self-realization. The price of this freedom in constructing a neoliberal self is the loss of security, a ramification of which is what we now call the ‘Fear of Missing Out’. Beyond individual identity, consumption can also be studied from the perspective of collective identity, ethnicity, geographical location, a sexual orientation, or citizenry, hence, given the circumstances, consumption can be politicalized.
History and Culture of Capitalism – Interdisciplinary Studies Field. (2022). Retrieved 19 May 2022, from
This chapter aims to demonstrate that both for the economy as a whole and for each of its sectors, it is possible to outline the main features of current capitalist practice, the implicit requirements for a socialist alternative, and the degree to which the conditions for satisfying these requirements are already present. In short, a society-wide shift to cleaner and more sustainable technologies is already conceivable. The distinctive contribution of socialism lies not in any particular inventions that might emerge but rather in the reorganisation of society in such a way that technological choices are no longer made on the basis of marketability and profit-potential, but rather on the basis of compatibility with the overall requirements of humanity and the natural world. There is nothing ‘inevitable’ about such a socialist transformation; nonetheless, what works in favour of this constructive response is the emerging recognition that doing nothing - letting current trends run their course - spells disaster.
Socialism and Technology: A Sectoral Overview. (2022). Retrieved 19 May 2022, from
the moral and ethics of the systems development affect how the society creates non moral or ethicals proven methods for benefit. this making the problems a way of fructual benefit so there have to be problems tos solve this is why very insignificant problems are erradicated at all.
The Moral Economy of Tech - Design4Emergence. (2022). Retrieved 19 May 2022, from
Creating a moral economic system should be the ultimate goal of every society. A moral economy is one that is founded on the principles of justice, fairness and goodness. A moral economic system ensures equitable allocation of resources which are scarce in nature and configures markets to ensure that they run fairy. The end results are to realize a stable economy that is free from exploitation, political insecurity and wars. A moral economic system fosters peace and satisfaction among the citizens of a nation (SEA, Browne, & Milgram, 2009). It also creates a level ground for fair competition among various economic drivers reducing negative rivalry that is retrogressive to economic development and welfare hence the general improvement of the gross domestic product. A good GDP creates a good environment to run economic activities which leads to the increment government revenues and improvement of the infrastructure.
Moral Economic System. (2022). Retrieved 19 May 2022, from