Fear God and Give Him Glory. -Re 14:7.
What is
Why we should
How can we
Proper fear of God should cause us to turn away from badness
Proverbs 8:13
Answered in Revelation 14:7
includes both the pronouncement of the judgments
Revelation outlines the steps in the fulfillment of God’s purpose
it describes events that would happen in the "Lord's day"
which began in 1914, when Christ was enthroned in heaven
In revelation 14:6, it tells us of an angle, and what he has been entrusted to do
Read Revelation 14:6
Declare about this everlasting good news, what is this good news?
Read Revelation 14:7
Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of judgment by him has arrived
Fear God
Do you truly fear God and give him glory in all such ways?
we need listen to God with deep respect
Give God glory
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Do we minimize, or do we take to heart his counsel to attend Christian meetings?
Do we complain, or do we cherish the privilege of proclaiming the good news of God’s Messianic Kingdom? and do so zealously
Do we rely on our own understanding, or do we trust in Jehovah at all times and with our whole heart?
Are we too busy, or do we buy out the time to read the Bible regularly?
Considering these thoughts will help us to see areas that we can work on to give God glory
He gives us direction of what we should do, out of his deep love for each one of us.
Think of how Jehovah will feel, when we try our best to apply his instructions
That “hour” of judgment is a brief period
We are now living in that period.
and the execution of the judgments
vital that we act on this now
and as the verse continues...
What is fear of God?
hating of bad
How can we give God glory?
Read the scriptures regularly, attend our Christian meetings, cherish the preaching work, and trust in Jehovah
Why should we fear God and give Him glory?
We are currently living in the “hour” of judgment, when the unrighteous people will be destroyed
listen to the counsel in this verse and worship our God, Jehovah
turning away from badness, What do we do instead?
Consider his instruction reduced to theses self examining questions
make sure we have God's approval