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Paper 1 - Coggle Diagram
Paper 1
Social Influence
agent state = when an agent shift occurs from an autonomous state to an agent state- shift of responsibility onto an authoritative figure - people go into the AS to maintain a positive self image - binding factors are social ettiquettes th individual does not want to appear as rude
A03 - Blass conducted research of milgrams study, showed students the study and asked who was responsible, majority said experimenter, support = Doctors from Aushwitz went from helping people to performing horrible acts and experiments onto men and women in aushwitgz as they were ordered to do so. additionally hofflinhd nurse study.
legitimacy of authority - displayed in Milgrams study - individuals are more likely to obey to an individual of power or higher in the social heirarchy
location- milligrams variation of his study - in a rundown office compared to at Yale university, conformity levels dropped to 48%
uniform - Bushman = inducted an experiment where 3 diff people (beggar, policewomen and executive) asked people for money for a mans parking meter - PW = 72%, E = 48% and B = 52%
proximity - another variation of milligrams study was to examine obedience rates with variations to proximity -one was where the teacher and learner were both in the same room - conformity dropped to 40% reaching 450v and a more extreme one where the teacher had to put the learners hand onto the shock plate, lvl dropped to 30% - Hoffling nurse study
authoritarian personality -another explanation for obedience is measuring authoritarian personality using the F scale. Elms + Milgram- tested 20 obedient participants and 20 defiant participants using the MMPI and F-scale found that individuals who scored higher on the F-scale had a more authoritarian personality and were more likely to obey authority. Adorno created F scale to measure authoritarianism in personalities ( f= facist), it contained questions such as 'rules are there to be obeyed' if the individual agrees with such statements they are more likely to have a higher authoritarian personality. Altemeyer identified 3 components with RWA - submission, aggression and conventionalism - authrouritarian personalities are more likely to obey authority, have riding views and see the world in black ad white, they are also more likely to have received physical punishment and have RWA parents
A03 - Damburn - recreated milligrams study using virtual stimulators, the participants knew it was fake yet still rested even though it was real with some continuing to full voltage and others stopping, this supports the view of RWA as an explanation for obedience, there are differences between authoritarianism and obedience= Milligram and Elms identified key differences in the characteristics of obedience and authoritarianism for example, when asked about upbringing many of the fully obedient participants reported good relationships with their parents rather than poor upbringing which is normally associated with high levels of authrouritarianism.
LOC - internal locus of control = when individuals believe they have full control over their own outcomes and destiny Internal LOC = the believe in luck and external factors have control over their own outcome - majority of people have a mixture of both or lie in-between. Characteristics: HIGH INTERNAL - rely on the opinions of others less which means they are better to resist social influence. HIGH EXTERNAL - tend to approach things with a more passive and fatalistic view and attitude.
social support - individuals are more likely to not conform when they have social support -in a variation of Aschs study they introduced an ally - who gave a difference answer to the rest of the group conformity rates decreased from 33% to 5.5% WHY - the ally provides the participant with equally legit ways of thinking, it reaffirms their belief, provides them with an independent assessment of realty making them feel more confident in their original thought processes and answer. A03 = Allen + Levine
minority influence - snowball affect - consistency, flexibility and commitment - when a minority sticks with these key features they can create the snowball affect and slowly become the influence the views of the majority to the views of the minority.
AO3= Orne and holland - participants knew it was fake, so the study tests demand characteristics not obedience, Perry also analysed tapes from milligram and found that the participants knew it was fake supporting one and holland, ethical issues = participants were given the right to withdraw but in the experiment when they wanted to stop they are prompt to continue.
A03 agentic state - class - showed students video based who was responsible - the agent state doesn't explain the 35% of people in milligrams study who didn't reach 450v - huffing nurse study
A03 Milgram - ethical issues= participants were given the right to withdraw but in the procedure they were not e.g. the prompts that the experimenter used
high internality as a resistance to social influence= high internal are less likely to rely on the opinions of others and have more faith in their own beliefs and opinions meaning they are more likely to be able to resist social influence. they are also seekers of information that is useful to them making them less vunrable, they also are better able to resist coercion from others
harlow - monkey study 10 monkey in a cage with wire mother and fabric mother - 5 wire mother had food - 5 fabric mother had food, monkeys with wire mother for food only went there for food, stayed a wire mother for comfort, when scared or exploring new things stuck to wire monkey - fabric monkey for food only stuck to fabric monkey = shows that food doesn't determine attachment but comfort has a larger role in forming attatchment
Lorenz - gosling study - split gosling eggs half states with mother and half were incubated, Lorenz was the first thing they saw when they hatched, they imprinted on him and other half imprinted on mother - when both put back together the ones who imprinted on lore stayed imprinted to him and had no recollection or attachment to their mother
A03 -ethical had lasting affects such as on parenting later on animal studies generalisable to humans although bowbllys research supports it
A03- guiton recreated with chikcs onto rubber gloves and it had the safe effect - supporting evidence, guitona nd Hoffman also found that imprinting is irreversible chicks later mated with other chikcs after spending time with them
learning theory - bowlbys montropic theory - baby forms one primary attacthement to caregiver ( usually mother) this forms within the critical period bow; up to two months
internal working model - our mental processes of relationships and our ideas of what relationships are - learnt from our views of relationships e.g. parents
ainsworths strange situation - Mary Ainsworth conducted an experiment using babies and Theo mothers to identify attachment types using separation and stronger anxiety
attachment types = secure, insecure avoidant and insecure resistant
influence of early attachment - Hazan and shaver love quiz determines early attatchment types as well as expiernces of attatchment now such as within relationships- identifies the affects it has on later relationips, parenting skills(HARLOWS MONKEYS) mental health e.g. more likely to get depression and later relationshops
cultural variations in attatchment - van ijlezdoom and Kroonenberg dentfied how attatchment tpes vary culturally- studied 8 countries and identified attatchment types in them all, the majority attatchment type of each country was secure with collectivist cultures such as Japan and Israel have resistant as their second attatchment type whereas the rest was avoidant as their second
failure to function adequatley- failing to go about your day to day life normally, causing distress to both you and others - AO3 = adaptations to function adequalty what works for some may to work for others - additionally who decides what is adequate.
deviation from social norms - social norms are unwritten rules that people follow within society individuals who do not conform to these social norms are considered abnormal - AO3 = social norms change culturally, what one may see as deviating in one culture may be seen as normal in another
deviation from ideal mental health - Name = created a criteria for ideal mental health= mastery of the environment, accurate perception of reality, FINISH - people who don't obtain all of them can be defined as abnormal AO3 = if we examined everyones normality with this critter then the majority of us would be seen as abnormal
explaining phobias - acquired through classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning = associating a stimulus with fear operant conditioning = negative reinforcment - avoidance of the phobia reinforces it
treatment of phobias = SD - done over a series of therapy sessions - patient and therapist create a hierarchy of fear from least fearful to most fearful situations, then the therapist teaches the patient relaxation techniques such as how to slow nd control breathing and progressive muscle relaxation the two then go through the hierarchy together
flooding = teaching the patient relaxation techniques such as slowed and controlled breathing and progressive muscle relaxation and then the patient is introduced to the phobia in its most fearful state e.g. arachnophobia = holding a spider, the patient then practises these relaxation techniques until calm, the patient cannot be scared and calm at the same time - usually done in one long session
STM = duration- very limited/ milliseconds, coded- largely acoustically and capacity- limited up to 7 + or - 2 items
LTM = duration - potentially unlimited, capacity - potentially unlimited and encoded largely semantically
improving eyewitness testimony - cognitive interview = change order, recall everything, change perspective and reinstate the original context