The March on Washington impacted America positively because it was the most successful in bringing attention to the Civil Rights Movement, which yearned for equal rights for citizens of any race, color, or religion. Thanks to the march and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, President John F. Kennedy proposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed racial desegregation and discrimination based off a citizen's race, religion, color, sex, or national origin.
The March on Washington positively impacted me because, like most other civil rights protests, paved the way to give me the high-quality life I deserve.
The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a negative impact on America. Dr. King was a socially powerful man with great intentions who help resolve a lot of race-related issues in America. He could've resolved more if his life weren't ended prematurely.
It impacted me negatively for the same reason why it impacted America. Most race-related issues that people like me experience today could've been alleviated earlier if Dr. King had lived longer.
Henrietta Lacks was a black woman who developed terminal cervical cancer in 1951, dying that year. Scientists proceeded to use her cancerous cells for research without receiving consent from her or her family. This research positively impacted America as her cells, dubbed "HeLa cells" are the basis for curing diseases such as polio.
The research impacted me negatively because it proves that black people can and will be treated poorly and exploited for anything, whether it be for sports or for health or for anything else. None of her children were given any compensation for the research.
The murder of Yusef Hawkins impacted America negatively because his murder exposed the rest of the country to the fact that racism was not exclusive to the South. Yusef was a 16-year-old black teenager who was killed by a gang of white youths in the predominantly white neighborhood of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY.
His murder impacted me negatively because, just like the rest of America, it exposed me to the fact that racism can happen to anyone anywhere, even to people in Northern America.
The assassination of Fred Hampton impacted America negatively. Fred Hampton was an activist who sought to bring Americans of all colors, classes, and backgrounds together. He was assassinated at the age of 21 by the racist Federal Bureau of Investigation before he could accomplish anything beneficial to the lives of every American.
His assassination negatively impacted me because it further contributed to the general idea that white Americans will do whatever it takes to keep themselves on top. Hampton was barely a legal adult, and yet the FBI felt threatened enough by his peaceful ambitions to have him and his crew assassinated.
The crack epidemic impacted America negatively because it resulted in a surge of crime and violence in cities like New York and Chicago.
It impacted me both negatively and positively. It impacted me positively because due to the surge in crime and violence, my parents moved me and my sister out of the ghetto for a better life. It impacted me negatively because due to us moving away, I wasn't able to grow up with my cousins like my mom did.