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how does our understanding of human dignity affect the way that we live…
how does our understanding of human dignity affect the way that we live our faith
how does understanding human dignity shape our action
catholic social justice principles
stewardship of creation
we repect our lord by respectig his creation by helping the earth we all are made in his creation to do his work as managers or stewards do
we have jobs or responsibility to respect and protect each other we complete this when we when we suporrt human diggnity
participation in society
everybody has the right to particapate in in ther societ and commuinity humans and groups should be enclouede. we all want contribute to the way that our socity grows
rights and responsibilities
we are accountible to many things but the most comman and best one is god to be come what our lord created us god created us to be and calls us to be
care for people who are poor and vulnerable
because all humens have dignity given to us by god we have a socail respansibilit to protect,secure and care for dose in need
community and the common good
to be a humen is to be in a family nd a coumunity no matter how we fdiffer we are one humen family we are one we are connected and we respect each ote r
human digniy
we are made in the image of god to think love and to serve him and to offer him all human life is sacred and deserves to be respected
peace is made when people do socail jutice. peace depends on what we do with our lives and other dignity
dignity of work
people dignity includs the right to work we all have the right to useful work fair wages and good working conditions
the common good
we have responsibilities to our lord god to to each other the church helps us to grow in our fath and helps make wise and good chices
common good is the joy and specification we have as a team
the common good helps us work as a team
living in solidarity
because we are gods creation we are realted we are connected
solidarity means that we are interdependent
grace is the power of gods life and love within us which helps us to live as god wants
when we see injustice or disrespect to human dignity gods grace makes us act
right and responsibilities
many kids around the world do not have the things to live happy and helthy life
some times human rights are not respected
or upheld
imagine being relly sick or dying from a disease that a vacanation can help or cured
working with dignity
work is good for people becuse it helps show our talents, gifts ,and abilities
all people have right to have a productive work fair wages and ok working counditions
we are working together to for good changes so that all human dignity of all gods children and the rights they deserve are respected
mindfull of the pprinciple of particapation in socity caritsd does not take over as the expert instead caritas partners wih local grassroot organaztion
pope francis says that caritas is an essential part of the church cooummunity with two worlds acation and divine
csaritas is the fist reponders with relif and efforts and ongoing support to helo others
caritas is a organization that helps kids in need. it was inspired by the gospal and the cathlic school justice principles to help kids in need
how do we answer gods call to help others
loving and serving those in need
like the good samaritan the story jesus told us about we are called by god to help people espeshlly dose in need or dose who are poor
evreyone is importnat but especially people who are vulnerable. when we see and repond to dose who need help we do this becuse of jesus
if we see someone in need it id our mission and our responsibillity to proctect an care for people
what we believe
if we are unsure of what to do for someone in need or needs help we remember jesus. jesus is in that person in need so we should ask ourselves how whould i help jesus
one church ministry in psrticuls dedicated itslef to yhelping others who are suffering this is calld patoll care
relationshops or personal problems pastoral care is ministry of presence and support thats is a belssing to those in need
focus on scripture
the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor
let each of you look not to your own interersts but to be in trest in other people the leason is god calls us from selfshness to care about others
jesus said to him if you wish to be perfect go sell your and give the monay to the poor and you will have treasure in heavan then come follow me the leason is out true riches are found in jesus
give to everyone who begs fro you and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you the leason is god calls us to share our blessing
the holy spirit inspires our charity
we are equipped for a life of charity when we are open to gods will and poupose for our lives the holy spirit stors our hearts throgh truth
we are created in gods love and this loive is designed to be shared with every one in the world as god says in hebrews 8:10 i will put my law in there mind
at st.paul said keep alert stand firm in your fath be courages be strong let all that you do be done in ove
jesus inspires our charity
he invited
he reached out
he showed mercy
he provided
he lov
praying over other to share gods love
-colossians 1:9-10 we have not ceased praying for you an asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of god will in all spittul wisdom and understanding so that you may lead lives worty of the lord fully pleaseing to him as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowlege of god
-1 thessalonians 1:2 we wlaways give thanks to god for all of you in our prayers
-2 timothy 1:3 i rember you condtantly in my prayers night and day
-james 5;16 pray for one another the prayer of the righteous is powerful and efective
-philemon 4 when i remember you in my prayers i always thank god
witnessing to the nations through actions
actions speack louder then when someone is hurting physicllly or emoshanlly we can telll that we are sorry that there hurting
in the smae way saying that we love god and others is not as meaning full or powerfull as doing things that show our love and meets there needs
as we work for socailjusticecand serve anothercwith charity we are evagelzing evangelizing is when we spread gods news
our mission from jesus
the child is hold facing the east where the trone of god (the alther) is
there are three candls when wwe are being batizedthey repisent baptismal in the holy trinity
in a eastern cathlic chirch the usal mode of baptisum is full immerse
the baptisamal font is deep enough to immerse the child fully
charity is the soul of hoilness
the 7 sacraments are baptism, eucharist reconciliation confirmation marriage holy orders anointing of the sick we resie gods love throgh the scaerments scaerments grace inspires our paths to holynesswe become clse to god and the church