Act Now
Maslow's hierarchy
Hierarchy of human motivation
Physiological needs: Food,Water,Oxygen, Shelter
Safety: Healthy, Exercise, Financial, Online, Community, Political.
Who am I?
Human rights
The rights to get an education
The right to have a fair trial
freedom of slayvery
Freedom of thoughts, Beliefs and religion
The freedom of life
The right of free speech
no discrimination
Children's rights
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Concept centres
Studio 4a definition,
every child gets the freedom of life
Action Inguiry
Q - Questions:
A - Answers:
Q: What can be done to help this ongoing mental health issue? A:
Q:What can the Government do Mental support kids? A:However we also see the effects of COVID-19, with more children reporting instances of psychological distress than before the pandemic.
Q: Are the Government really supporting those who need it? A: Yes, they are trying to help young all around the world to improve their well-being.
Q: What did the Government do in the first place to help? A:
Q:How might the Government help? A: The government would help by investing more money into mental health.