childhood as socially constructed
cultural differences
historical differences
AO2 Bolivia : children expected to work at young ages (around 5 years) as part of their culture
western notions on childhood are based on children being innocent, dependant and having no economic role , child labour is banned
A02 in uk, everyone is required to be in education until 18 years old
the idea that childhood is made by society, not a fixed universal idea as all childhood is different
march of progress view
the idea that society has become more child centred
AO2 kid menus at restaurants, more marketing for children's products (disney)
investing more time and effort into children, resulting in smaller families. difficult to care for lots of children when the cost of living increases
A03 paranoid parenting : more control and surveillance on children, having less freedom than before. media has created fears.
A03 parents in control of children's money, time, clothes, food
increased healthcare has meant a decrease in infant mortality
contemporary debates on childhood
toxic childhood
new sociology of childhood
due to technological advances. childhood has become more damaging as it has affected their emotional and physical development
children spending more time inside than outside, similarly, children spending more time on technology than interacting with others
explains increasing rates of obesity, self harm and drug use among teens
A03 video games such as club penguin allow children to still interact with each other
disappearance of childhood
A03 age patriarchy (gittens) : describing inequalities between adults and children, child dependency and adult domination
rise of television culture has meant that the information hierarchy is disappearing
the innocence of childhood is replaced by knowledge
blurring the distinction between childhood and adulthood, as more children are aware of the world, such as A02 war or death
A03 opie : childhood is not disappearing as there are still clear distinctions between boundaries, like nursey rhymes or kids tv shows
children were 'mini adults', with the same rights, duties and skills
A02 in the law, children often faced the same punishments as those given to adults
becoming globalised
childhood inequalities
A02 boys more likely to be allowed to play outside, cycle on roads, and go out after dark unaccompanied
A02 girls more likely to do domestic labour, adopting a 'bedroom culture'
boys and girls brought up differently even in the same household
asian parents more likely to be stricter towards daughters and ideas of 'family honour' could be a restriction
children in poorer families are more likely to die during infancy, to suffer longstanding illnesses, or to fall behind in school
poor mothers more likely to have low birth-weight babies, impacting physical and intellectual development
seeing children as acting agents who play major roles at creating their own life
focusing on children's perspective of childhood
A02, smart : children create their own definitions of who is family