
modern western notion of children

childhood therefore golden age of innocence- Stephen wage- socially contrsuted, not a universal concept

differences in childhood

Samantha punch- children in Bolivia, 5 years old, take work responsibilities in the home and local communities without hesitation

Lowell holmes- children in Samoa, no concept of too young, children use dangerous tools and carry heavy loads, if children think they can, parents let them.

Raymond firth- children of western pacific, if children do not like what they are being told they won't do it.

historical differences

phillipe aries- Middle Ages, the idea of childhood did not exist, children were not seen as having a different nature or needs than adults, faced the same punishments

parental attitudes diffèrent, schools started specialise in educating the young, clothing became more separate for adults and children.

aries, cult of childhood, we have moved froma. world where childhood was not special to a world obsessed with childhood.

reasons for the change

declining family size, children rights, compulsory schooling, children health, child protection, lower infant mortality rates; child labour laws.

has the position of children improved.

march of progress view- position of children in western societies steadily improved over time, children more valued, better cared for protected and educated than before.

conflict view- some groups are empowered some are underpowered, march of progress view is idealised, false and ignores inequalities.

inequalities among children, nationality, gender, ethnicity- little girls from asian families are expected to obey their parents whereas boys are expected to study hard and excel at school. class.

inequalities between children

march of progress argue adults use powers to protect, conflicts argue this power is used to oppress

Firestone- child labour laws actually segregate children, keep them dependant


children space

no school children signs in newsagents

use of CCTV in public spaces

road safety and stranger danger

children shepherded to and from school

children bodies

hair style, ear piercing, tattoos

monopoly on touching washing eating

physical discipline

nose picking, thumb sucking, nail biting

children time-

daily routines

speed of growing up

children access to resources

limited ability to earn money, dependant on adults,

child benefit goes to mother

ema cut in favour of reduced LSF

pocket money controlled.

neglect and abuse, dark side of family life.

future of childhood

children are gaining more and more power in terms of rights, leads to breakdown of the distinction of difference between childhood and adulthood

disapearrace of childhood- postman argues that childhood disappearing at a dazzling speed.

same rights as adults, similarities in clothing, children committing adult crimes

the emergence, now disappearance of childhood is due to rise and fall of print culture and replacement of television-

new sociology of childhood- new sociology seeks to see children as active agents in their own lives, rather than adults in waiting.

smart- argues sociologist need to consider the views and experiences of children.

mason and tipper- children view the family differently- they didn't conform to adult ideas. pets and neighbours part of the family

smart et al- children not passive during divorce, actively trying to help