Welfare system evident in the UK has created a dependency culture in the underclass as individuals rely on job seekers benefit or child benefits- happy being dependent on benefit so do not look for job meaning have lazy norms and values, not wanting to achieve any social class mobility or improve market situation as benefits provide their lifestyle- ‘underclass’ are able to enjoy their benefits by living in a dependency culture whereas this is not good for the rest of society because they are not taking care of themselves, looking for jobs and often they are turning to crime- Young mothers were given free council house, people become pregnant just for the council house- Underclass is a drain on taxpayers paying for their benefits who poorly socialised their children, meaning they unachieved at school and turned to crime- Britain was developing an underclass - rising births outside marriage, crime, irresponsible attitude found in the underclass- wanted a reduction in welfare benefits and classifier government intervention to reduce poverty, arguing this do more harm than good- For example, in contemporary society crime such as stabbings and robbing are more common in the underclass compared to the middle class as well as contributing to a disproportionate share of juvenile delinquents