Women crimes are crimes of the powerless and is a rational choice- Unstructured Interviews, study of thirty nine 15-46 working class women, convicted of range of crimes, most convicted serious female criminals are working class- Working class women are led to conform through the promise of deals- Class deal, women go into work, offering materials rewards with living and leisure opportunities, the women had failed to find a legitimate way of earning a living and this left them feeling oppressed and the victims of injustice, thirty-two of them had always been in poverty- Gender deal, women marry into a family life, conforming to norms and gaining material rewards through husbands, most of the women had either not had the opportunity to make a deal, or saw few rewards and many disadvantages in family life. E.g. some had been abused physically by their fathers- Crime become more likely if cannot achieve these deal as crime becomes the only decent route to a good standard of living, nothing to loose but everything to gain- poverty and being brought up in care or an oppressive family life were the two main causes of their criminality