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the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera
In 1923, General Miguel Primo de Rivera led a military coup and established a right- wing dictatorship.
He claimed that only a dictatorship could put an end to the problems which had emerged during the reign of Alfonso XIII.
Alfonso XIII accepted the dictatorship and Primo de Rivera was named president of the government.
was supported by almost all of the social sectors: business owners, the church and the army
Domestic policy
the Patriotic Union became the official party of the dictatorship.
to re-establish order by eradicating terrorism
it dissolved the Mancomunidad de Cataluña and banned nationalist symbols
suppressing demonstrations
Foreign policy
the dictatorship won a definitive victory in the war in Morocco
for the first time in history, the air force, navy and ground troops staged a coordinated attack.
This victory increased the dictatorship's prestige.
The economy
a plan was implemented to build large public works,
These works helped create employment.
State monopolies were also set up, such as the Compañía Telefónica (1924) and petrol distribution company CAMPSA (1927).
From 1928 onwards,
Primo de Rivera's dictatorship faced growing opposition
was opposition from the army because he decreed a new promotion system based on merit rather than seniority
Political parties opposed him because they wanted to restore a parliamentary system.
The situation was made worse by the economic crisis of 1929, which caused unemployment and social unrest.
in January 1930, Primo de Rivera resigned and a constitutional monarchy was restored.
The second spanish republic
In April 1931, the constitutional monarchy of Alfonso XIII was restored and municipal elections were held
On 14 April 1931, the Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed.
The left-wing or reformist biennium (1931–1933)
Niceto Alcalá Zamora was named president of the Republic, and Manuel Azaña became head of the government
write a new Constitution (1931)
Territorial reforms
Cataluña was given a statute of autonomy and the process of autonomy was begun for País Vasco and Galicia.
These measures were considered to be an attack on the integrity of Spanish territory by right-wing politicians.
Military reforms
the Azaña law reduced the excessive number of army officers and prioritised promotion based on academic qualifications rather than military achievements.
Many military leaders opposed this change.
Agricultural reform
large agricultural estates were expropriated and the land was divided among landless peasants
landowners opposed this policy and its slow implementation generated discontent among the rural working clas
Labour reforms
he Law of Labour Contracts forced business owners to negotiate working conditions with the trade unions
eight-hour working day was established and a minimum wage and paid holidays
Business owners were opposed to these reforms.
Educational reforms
a secular, mixed gender, compulsory free education system was established.
Pedagogical missions were created, with the aim of taking culture to rural areas.
The church, which until that time had provided primary and secondary education, felt that this reform was an attack on Catholicism.
provoked an attempted military coup in 1932, which failed
reforms were not accepted by the most radical left-wing groups
many strikes and confrontations with security forces.
In 1933, in one of these confrontations in Casas Viejas, Cádiz, peasants were killed by security forces.
this increased the government's unpopularity, which was blamed for the deaths of the peasants
Manuel Azaña resigned as head of government.
The centre-right biennium (1933–1936)
Elections were held and the centre-right parties won, establishing a conservative government.
president of the Republic, Niceto Alcalá Zamora, named Alejandro Lerroux as the new head of governmen
the PSOE and the PCE, with the main trade unions (the UGT and the CNT), organised a general strike in October 1934,
he strike became known as the October Revolution. It failed all across Spain, apart from in Asturias and Cataluña.
was a social revolution.
The miners took control of the coalfields and proclaimed a revolutionary government.
was a political revolution.
The president of the autonomous community, Lluis Companys, proclaimed a Catalan state.
The revolution was brought to an end when the army intervened.
In Cataluña, the statute of autonomy was removed.
political tension and social discontent caused by the military repression of the working class, forced the government to hold new elections.
The Popular Front (1936)
Left-wing parties (the Socialists, Communists and Republicans) formed a coalition called the Popular Front and won the elections in February 1936.
Manuel Azaña became the president of the Republic, and Casares Quiroga became head of the government.
the agricultural reforms were resumed, with new expropriations and the statute of autonomy of Cataluña was re-established.
The government reforms provoked protests and violent clashes between extreme right-wing militants and extreme left-wing groups
The radical left-wing groups resorted to strikes and occupation of land.
The Spanish civil war
was a military conflict which took place between 1936 and 1939.
The result of the war was that the government of the Republic was replaced with a dictatorship led by General Francisco Franco.
Reasons for the outbreak of the war
On 17 July 1936, the most conservative and anti-republican section of the army rebelled in Morocco against the government of the Republic.
On 18 July, the rebellion, led by Emilio Mola, José Sanjurjo and Francisco Franco, spread to the peninsula.
to end public disordercaused by extreme right-wing and left-wing militants.
There was also fear of a working class revolution in Spain which would establish a communist regime.
to end left-wing government reforms.
to end the Republic and re-establish the political and social order that had been in place previously.
Two sides
represented by Manuel Azaña
Stalinist USSR supported a workers' revolution. Provided advisers, planes and military equipment.
The International Brigades were military units of voluntary civilian anti-fascists from various European countries and from the United States.
Mexico sent food and healthcare supplies.
led by General Francisco Franco
Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, because of the similarity of their ideologies
Portugal and Ireland supplied volunteers who joined the Nationalist army.
The development of the war
March to Madrid
he Nationalists, led by General Franco, tried to occupy Madrid,
but they were defeated in the battles of Jarama and Guadalajara.
Northern campaign
the next objective for Franco was to take Asturias, Cantabria and País Vasco
Guernica (Vizcaya), was bombed in 1937 by the Condor Legion (Nazi air force).
Battle of the Ebro
the Republicans began the battle of the Ebro in order to stop the Nationalist advance
ranco won the battle and in 1939 he entered Barcelona.
The end of the war
in March, the Nationalist army took Madrid and on 1 April 1939, the war ended.
The consequences of the civil war
an authoritarian regime was set up (a dictatorship
did not want reconciliation with the Republicans, but their annihilation.
economic losses were high due to the destruction of infrastructure, transport systems, industrial areas and houses.
Agricultural and industrial production fell by 25% and many people were living in extreme poverty.
half a million Spanish people died during the civil war, reducing the population drastically.
Another half a million republicans were exiled to Latin America and France.
ideological repression was implemented through education and culture.
Many teachers were dismissed or even executed; intellectuals were assassinated (García Lorca) or exiled (Antonio Machado, Buñuel and Alberti).