The Black Eyed Peas released the protest song "Where is the Love?" on June 2003. It is a response to the 9/11 war terror attacks. I think the song is about the lack of world in this earth between people and how everyone is causing madness these days. The point of the song is mainly to help people realize that we humans should be spreading love to one another, not hating and discriminating each other, and lead to world havoc. The song expresses all issues and says it in meaningful and emotive way to get listeners to understand this huge world problem. It is basically about the disintergration of society's values. For example, "But if you only have love for your own race, then you only leave space to discriminate, and to discriminate only generates hate, and when you hate then you're bound to irate" is saying that racism is being expressed in humiliating and violent ways. In conclusion, the song is a protest song that encourages us to spread love and make the world a better place after all the bad things that has happened.