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English Language Paper 1 CLA - Coggle Diagram
English Language Paper 1 CLA
Nelson- mainly nouns used in childrens speech
However nouns typically outnumber verbs anyway
Saxton- common patterns in lang use due to environment
Hypernyms describe categories of categories, whereas hyponyms describe specific things, e.g. cutlery and fork
Passive vocab- understand but don't use
Active vocab- understand and use
Over extension describes using a word too much, e.g sea for body of water
Under extension describes the opposite effect, e.g. recognising a banana physically but not a picture of one
Piaget Bow Wow experiment, referred to anything mobile as bow wow
Extension can be categorical- stretched throughout category, analogical, related to function,or just a complete mismatch. Rescorla
Chomsky suggests everybody has an innate ability to understand language
This is supported in texts by virtuous errors and over extension,as children apply rules to their own language
Extension also supports piaget, as cognitive development must be complete before they can understand things
Piaget also supported by Anderson cups and glasses,children first recognised size, then what it is made of, then function
Texts will usually be in pre operational stage, children are usually egocentric,look for lexical cohesion of first person pronouns and declaratives. Instrumental and regulatory
Children may however be beginning to get more interactional and develop social relationships, look for second person pronouns and interrogatives
Imaginary play is represented through pretending, shows children have developed ability to use language for exploration
Children cannot speak fluently,will have frequent pauses
Look for 'ed' suffix etc on irregular verbs
Mistakes with tense are common as time is an abstract concept,Piaget suggests children must understand time first
Ability to denote tense shows good cognitive development
Argued with as Genie,child who was locked away, had no understanding of language
This study supports Piaget because she couldn't ever properly learn language, showing that there is a critical stage of learning and development
Slobin agrees with chomsky as vocal chords and brain functions show that humans are adapted to language use
Bruner believes in a lass rather than a lad, interaction with caregivers is needed
Vygotsky places emphasis on MKO and scaffolding
Tomasello believes in a usage based model
Physically exaggerated speech, tonally high pitched, rising intonation,tag questions,simplified grammar and lexis, actions accompanying speech, paralinguistics
accomodates children's speech, helps them to mimic parents with increases imitation and verbal interactionalism. positive corellation between interactionalism and linguistic ability
However, not used in some cultures but children still develop.
Frequent pauses for response,recasting, frames, simple present tense, repetition, concrete nouns and dynamic verbs, attracts and holds attention
Research- Nelson- correction halts progress
Bellugi fis and fish, children can't pronounce properly so adults recast
Skinner imitation, positive reinforcement helps children know what language is correct. Explains accent and dialect as parents pass down to children
Rats and birds can be conditioned to follow instructions
Parents however more interested in truth value than grammar