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Global Rights 2: Sexual Identity and Gender Injustice- Same-sex…
Global Rights 2: Sexual Identity and Gender Injustice- Same-sex Relationships
Nature vs Nurture
attempts still being made to determine whether homosexuality is caused by nature (genetics) or nurture (upbringing)
establishing if homosexuality is a decision or feeling
Nina Rosenstand
this be established, then traditional objections to homosexuality
that it is a moral choice that goes against nature would no longer be valid
if is genetic then moral argument against may be rendered invalid
may open up new doors to discrimination
could become new form of discrimination if genetic
claimed that all people are born 'bisexual'
said that as the 'super-ego' developed it took on either masculine or feminine traits, depending on how it is influenced by parents
whether you attracted to male or females depends on upbringing
did not view homosexuality as 'immoral'
nothing to be ashamed of
"homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation, it cannot be classified as an illness: we consider it be a variation of the sexual function produced by a certain arrest of sexual development"
Elizabeth Moberly
'a homosexual orientation does not depend on a genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance or abnormal learning processes, but on difficulties in the parent-child relationships, especially in the earlier years of life'
The Bible and Homosexuality
'That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh'- Genesis 2 v 24
biblical concept of marriage suggests that the only divined ordained, legitimate sexual relationship is one between heterosexual partners
'Then the Lord God said, "it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him"'- Genesis 1 v 28
Stott argues that this verse shows that woman was made to complement men
i.e. if man needed company only, then why not create another man?
'And God blessed them, and God said unto them, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it"'- Genesis 1 v 28
command to 'be fruitful and multiply'
given at creation- 'Creation Ordinance'
homosexual relationship cannot fulfil this command & could be said to be against God's plan for creation
"Do not lie with a man as with a woman; that is detestable"- Leviticus 18 v 22
found in 'Holiness Code'- rules prohibiting practices which were traditionally used in pagan worship
e.g. child sacrifice and variety of sexual practices
Peter Coleman- that this prohibitation is only against homosexual intercourse when it is used in pagan worship
"If a man lies with a man as with a woman both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them"- Leviticus 20 v 13
punishment= death penalty
Story of Sodom and Gomorrah
traditional Christian view is that the men of Sodom were punished because they were guilty of homosexual practices
theologian Sherwin Bailey challenges this interpretation on 2 grounds:
"Bring them out to us, so that we may know them"
may not necessarily mean "so that we can have sex with them"
other interpretation "bring them out to us, so that we may get acquainted to them"
nowhere in rest of OT does it mention that nature of Sodom's offence was homosexual
Isaiah implied that Sodom was punished for their hyprocrisy and social
Jeremiah claimed they were guilty of adultery, deceit and general wickedness
Denominational Views on Homosexual Relationships
The Roman Catholic Church
maintains that there is no sin involved in an inclination towards a member of the same sex, as such an inclination isn't freely chosen and is a trial for the person
homosexual person should be treated with respect, compassion and sensitivity, and unjust discrimination should be avoided
church teaches that such people are called to chastity with the help of friendship, prayer and grace to achieve Christian perfection
maintains absolutist approach to homosexual intercourse
believe that homosexual acts are sinful because of the biblical condemnation of homosexual acts as depraved and intrinsically disordered and the natural law ethics, notes that "no life can come from the acts"- Bowie
difficulties with natural law approach to homosexuality
argued that reproduction is only purpose of sex
however, other sexual acts don't lead to reproduction e.g. sex in non-fertile part of menstrual cycle, sex after menopause, when 1 or both partners are infertile or when pregnant
if reject reproductive imperative in sex, then natural law no longer opposes homosexual sex
Burton M Leiser
sexual organs are suited for reproduction and for the production of intense pleasure in oneself and others
argues that if the purpose of sexual organs is reproduction, then marriage between elderly couples who can't have children is unnatural
to condemn people for using their sexual organs for their own pleasure reveals the prejudices and irrational taboos of our society
Pope Benedict- 'the practice of homosexuality may seriously threaten the lives and well-being of a large number of people'
while church advocates tolerance and understanding, it approves discrimination against homosexuals in matters such as adoption and teaching
Anglican Communion
'homosexual people are in every way as valuable to and as valued by God as heterosexual people'
Dr Philip Giddings- 'we are not free to discard what is said in the bible, however unpopular'
Colin Slee- 'Canon John has become the victim of appalling prejudice and abuse which has its main proponents within the Church of England.... the news will hurt thousands of Christian people who are not gay but believe in God's love and redemption for all his children equally'
Dr Rowan Williams- 'This has been a time of open and painful confrontation in which some of our bonds of mutual trust have been severely stained'
Bishop Gene Robinson- 'I believe that the acceptance of gay and lesbian people into the life of the Church is something that is going to happen... it will happen in God's time'
Presbyterian Church in Ireland
sexuality is an important part of our personality
sexual intercourse should only take place in a monogamous, heterosexual marriage
people who are same-sex attracted are loved by God but homosexual people practice is condemned under scripture
heterosexual and homosexual sin is equally offensive to God
call upon all people whether homosexual or heterosexual, to exercise self-restraint and discipline in their sexuality
urge Christians to offer support, patience and love to all who struggle with sexual morality
"in light of our understanding of a credible profession of faith it is clear that same-sex couples are not eligible for communicant membership not are they qualified to receive baptism for their children"
"homosexual activity is not consistent with Christian discipleship since it does not accord with the will of God expressed in his moral law"
Liberal Christian Views
Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement- 'human sexuality in all its richness is a gift from God gladly to be accepted, enjoyed and honoured...'
In December 2020, Pastor Steve Ames from the church conducted the first religious same-sex marriage ceremony in Northern Ireland