Deficiency of one or more of the clotting factors carried on the X chromosome hence females are carrier's and males are sufferes
- insufficient levels of clotting factors in the body , the clotting factors irregularity causes a lack of clumping of blood required to form a clot to plug a site of a wound
-mutation in the genes that provides instructions for making the clotting factor protein needed to form a blood clot
Clinical manifestations
-redness and swelling of the larger joints
- pain
- haematura
-bleeding into muscle
-Give a transfusion of blood and fresh frozen plasma as prescribed to replace blood loss
-Administer analgesics as prescribed for pain Assist with passive or range of motion exercises daily
- Joint replacements are sometimes required Nursing management Clinical manifestations Nursing management
- Patient should be put on bed rest with the head elevated to prevent intracranial bleeding
-Instruct patients in measures to avoid constipation, as straining could use bleeding
-Apply cold compresses to joints
Thrombocytopenia :
Disorder that occurs when there is a reduction of platelets, resulting in bleeding disorders. It may be congenital or acquired
-Bone marrow diseases, including aplastic anemia, leukemia, certain lymphomas and myelodysplastic syndromes
-Alcohol use disorder and alcoholism. Autoimmune disease which causes ITP
-Cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Clinical manifestations
- bleeding
-joint pains causing by extravasations into tissues
-fever - weakness
- spontaneous bleeding from the nose, gums, urinary system and excessive masturbation in women
- petechia in the skin as well as ecchymosis
-Advice patients to use a soft- bristled toothbrush for cleaning their teeth and to use an electric razor for shaving to prevent bleeding .
- Give a transfusion of blood and fresh frozen plasma as prescribed to replace blood loss
-Administer analgesics as prescribed for pain Assist with passive or range of motion exercises daily
-Joint replacements are sometimes required
-Patient should be put on bed rest with the head elevated to prevent intracranial bleeding Instruct patients in measures to avoid constipation, as straining could use bleeding
-changes in genes-
-Alcohol use disorder and alcoholism.
-Autoimmune disease which causes ITP. ...
-Bone marrow diseases, including aplastic anemia, leukemia, certain lymphomas and myelodysplastic syndromes.
-Cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy.