Research the persons background. First, do your homework. Approach this as you would an important interview. find out you can About your potential mentor, including her work responsibilities, interests and needs, talk to others who know her. 2. Make contact. One of the best ways to break the ice is to have a mutual friend or acquaintance introduce you; You're more likely to be well received. 3. Request help. Once you've made contact, you're ready to request advice from your potential mentor. Start by offering positive feedback: compliment or congratulate her in some way. 4. Meet. Ever go into this meeting? Cold set goals. Identify your desired outcomes and prepare a list of questions. Requests specific suggestions. be respectful of your potential mentor's time. 5. After the meeting, try some of your potential mentors suggestions and share the results. 6. Ask to meet on an ongoing basis. Let your potential mentor know how helpful he has been, and indicate that you could learn a lot from him in the future.