Ear abscess
Signs and symptoms
Severe pain in the ear canal
Abscess forms in the ear canal
Pus generates
Hearing loss
This is the localised form of infection that usually occurs following the infection of a hair follicle.
Bumpy, red, pus filled lumps around hair follicle.
Severe pain
Hearing loss
Swollen lymph nodes
Tender, warm and very painful
Nursing care plan
Nursing diagnosis
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Disturbed sensory perception related to inflammation of the ear ossicles leading to loss of air and bone conduction.
Nursing intervention
Assess the client's hearing ability.
Advice client to avoid loud noise
Administer antibiotic ear drops
Teach and use non verbal communication
Nursing assessment
Expected outcome
Client gained hearing acuity as evidence by the ability to understand and response to question
Hearing loss