Explore how Dickens presents the last Spirit in this extract.


The effect the Spirit has on Scrooge


'scatter gloom and misery' - abstract nouns = metaphor

"slowly, gravely, silently, approached"

rule of three

"Scrooge bent down upon his knee"

"shrouded in a deep black garment"

"concealed his head"

verb - concealed

verb - shrouded

deep black - adjectives

concealed its head, its face, its form

rule of three

Silent + Unfriendly


"talll and stately"


"the Spirit answered not"

Scrooge asks questions

"Scrooge pursued"


"inclined its head...that was the only answer he received"

"dusky shroud"

"Scrooge feared the silent shape so much that his legs trembled beneath him"

shroud - wrap the dead in, to do with death

"thrilled him with a vague uncertain horror"

Scrooge says "I fear you more than any Spectre I have seen"



(Scrooge) "could see nothing but a spectral hand

"the upper portion of the garment contracted for an instant in its fold"

weird way of describing a nod