
Urban Problems

Housing Shotage

Transport Shortage

Parking Shortage


Urban solutions

Housing shortage solutions

incentivising new construction of affordable houses: this would allow for residents in Seoul to ease of the burden of purchasing a house as well as direct more of their income to their savings and living expenses

Transport shortage solutions

Introduction of quasi-public bus system (reformed bus management system)

Parking Shortage Solutions

Pollution solutions

The Seoul city government secured the right to adjust bus lines, and pursued the public welfare of bus services as well as the improvement at the service level. The government also brought about new elements such as a smart card and new bus companies so that the old system can be reworked for the better

Air pollution

Introduced 5G enabled autonomous robots which monitor air quality

ModuParking App


Give access to unused resident parking spaces to other users

Introduce clean energy

In 2010, Seoul invested 8 Billion dollars into a 2500 MW wind farm

App allows residents to register their parking space, along with the hours when they will need it

In 2011, the Government introduced a plan to produce 1.5 million from clean energy and grab 18% of the global clean energy market by 2030

Urban solutions

Urban Problems

Noise pollution

File a law that allows citizens to report their neighbours and potentially fine them. This would be run by the state-running mediating agency

Mass pollution

Highest amount of cigarette smokers in India

Low sanitation and access to electricity

Highest traffic density in India

World's most congested city in 2019

Traffic Management Solutions

Development of Roads

Between 2015 and 2020, the city saw an 80 per cent rise in respiratory illnesses triggered by air pollution.

Public Transport

Non-motorised Transport

63.68% of adult population

lack of a proper distribution network infrastructure and its inadequate operation and maintenance

Noise pollution and congestion in CDB areas. This reduces work productivity as people are stuck in traffic resulting in a lost of Bangalore countries GDP

Mass Pollution Solutions

The Bangalore Traffic Police

Charge polluters on the spot

Vehicular Air Pollution Management