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Albert Bandura (Bobo Doll experiment) 1961 Where researchers tested…
Albert Bandura (Bobo Doll experiment) 1961 Where researchers tested whether children would mock the violent behavior of model adults om dolls.
DV and IV The independent variable in this experiment would be whether the adults
acted in aggression towards the Bobo dolls. The dependent variable would be the childrens reaction towards the violence at the dolls
Sample Children ages 3-6. Groups of children were separated, some exposed to adult models with violent behavior and some with passive behavior. Children were selected randomly.
Procedure Children were either placed in front of violent adult models or passive models. Researchers then would study the children's behavior towards the dolls soon after the adults were done.
The Experiment The experiment ended in the children reacting more violent after adults models performed violent behavior. ALl groups of children were found to be somewhat aggressive. But it was proved that the aggressive groups produced more aggressive behavior from the children.
Charles Sheridan and Richard King (1972) Puppies are presented in front of students. Students are asked to continuously shock the puppy. They are tested whether they will conform to the researchers and continue to shock the puppy. :explode:
Hypothesis The hypothesis created was that a majority of students would conform to researchers because of the pressure from the researchers.
Sample 19 people used to conduct the experiment
13 women 6 men
They were found through the public (randomly recruited)
participants are placed in front of a single puppy hooked to a shocking device (real). Unlike Milgram's experiment, Sheridan and King, lied to the participants saying they were shocking the puppies because they wanted to train the puppy to obey the turning of and on of a flickering light. 13 of the participants (all women) obeyed the commands to shock the puppy to the full voltage.
6 participants (all men) did not obey the command to fully shock the puppy. Puppys were seen in pain whimpering and howling with pain.
Results 54 percent of males and all women obeyed command to shock the puppy to the full voltage. Women were still seen in great emotional distress. Some only wept. It was proven that most will follow the orders of authority especially when they are highly educated or prestigious.
Stanley Milgram- Obedience to Authority 1965 (Subjects are tested by seeing how far they are willing to go and shock the other participant while also complying with the director.
The question Milgram's original question was asking why Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust followed orders. Milgram wanted to see how far participants were willing to go.
Sample based on one of four of Milgram's experiments, 40 males, ages 20 through 50 whos job skills ranged from unskilled to professional. Participants were recruited randomly.
Procedure The procedure was that the participant was paired with another person and they drew tickets to see who was "learner" and who was "teacher." The draw being fixed so that he was forced to be the "teacher." The other participant being Milgram's confederate.
Participants were sat down and were order to read word pairs for the student to remember. They were told that if the "student" failed to remember the word pair he was shocked. The "teacher" was ordered to switch higher and higher volts of electricity towards the student until the voltage was equal to death.
Results 65 percent of participants deliver the full shock.
26 Delivered fill shocks
while 14 stopped before higher level shocks
Not having women in the study also had an effect on the study as they are basing the study off all male minds
Solomon Ashe The Line Experiment (1951) To see if the individual would answer incorrectly to the obviously correct because of peer pressure
The question was whether the participant would answer incorrectly to an obviously correct answer having to do with the length of drawn lines
Hypothesis- theorized that if the confederates are in a group setting the participant will answer based off of the groups answer due to the pressure of the group
Procedure Students were placed in rooms with confederates (students that were already in on the experiment) were asked a series of line length related questions.
There were 18 trials in total 12 on which the confederates gave the wrong answer.
Asch's experiment also had a control condition where there was no confederates
Results The experiment revealed the degree to which one ones persons opinions are influenced by a group
One third of the time the participants conformed with the rest of the group.
Philip Zimbardo- Stanford Prison Experiment (1971)
Zimbardo creates and simulates real life prison with willing participants, they slowly go from passive to aggressive within the next couple of days.
The question Zimbardo was interested whether on not the violence reported on garuds was because of their brutal treatment towards the prisoners in American prisons.
Hypothesis People will readily conform to the social roles that they are expected to play based on their environment
Sample Participants were actually recruited through advertisement around down. 15 dollars per day to participate in prison experiment. 75 people responded to the add, and 24 students were chosen to participate. 12 guards 12 prisoners. These students all had no background of criminal history or any psychological disorders.
Details for 6 days half of the participants were dehumanized by their peers forced to go to the bathroom in toilets , taunted , stripped naked, and deprived of sleep.
Results Zimbardo reveled his hypothesis which was humans will conform to their social roles they are expected to play All participants completely conformed to their role.
Zimbardo shuts the experiment down after 6 days after being advised multiple times due to the degradation of the students mental and emotional states.
Hypothesis Yes the hypothesis was correct the children acted more violently after adults because they though the behavior was acceptable