Andy Warhol Andrew Warhola was born on August 6th, 1928, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Slovakian parents, his father was a construction worker, while his mom was an embroiderer. They often embraced their Slovakian heritage especially through religious events. Warhol would experience difficult times often getting ill, however this is when he learned to draw with his mother . Warhol attended Holmes elementary and took free art classes at the Carnegie museum of art. His father would die when Warhol was 14, but dedicated his life savings towards his education, and he would later go to the Carnegie institute for technology. In 1949 he would graduate with a Bachelor of Arts, and worked with Glamor magazine, becoming one of the most commercial artists of the 1950s. Warhol would debut the concept of pop arts in 1962 on Campbell soup cans. Warhol opened his own art studio, calling it the factory, which became the cultural hotspot for numerous socialites and celebrities. He created numerous portraits of Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Mick Jagger, and Mao Zedong. One of his portraits, the eight elvises, sold for roughly 100 million dollars in 2008. Through his work he would criticize the materiality and obsession of money and fame, while he would also endorse it at the same time.