methods used to establish mao's rule
role of leaders
use of force
persuasion and coercion
legal methods
mao was established as the leader
long march
peasants can have a revolution
civil war
calculated force against rivals
ccp members lived among peasants --> persuassion
national movement --> united chinese against japanese
mao said the ccp was fighting japan while the gmd was just watching them
land redeistribution
rent controls
campaign to wipe out corruption
campaign to improve literacy
"self-criticism" sessions
chairman of communist central committe and politburo
ccp support of peasants by promise of landreform
turning nationalist --> united front against japanese
6 rules of conduct
relations with stalin
killing followers - threatening rivals
long march
use of propaganda
cult of leadership/personality
extreme brutality (execution of followers)
was perceived as leader of the peasants, living among them, (didn't dress like a leader)
2 stage revolution in china
benefitting of confucianism (belief in authority)
6 principles
red army
guerilla tactics
rectification campaign
welcoming towards enemy troops (GMD)
1935 military commander (mao)
media was censored in ccp controlled areas