Indigenous groups have modified some of their customs due to the social impact of the colonies. The colonial society, as well as the republican society, have contributed to significant changes. One of these effects is the one that affects the location between one house and another of the Ngäbe. The Ngäbe say that in the past, both Ngäbe and Buglés lived very close to each other. Ngäbere and Buglere. The Ngäbere alphabet has 26 letters: 8 vowels (a, ä, e, i,o, ö, u, ü) and 18 consonants (b, ch, d, g,gw, j, k, kw, l, m, n, ng ,ngw, ñ, r, s, t, y). The Buglere alphabet consists of 25 letters: 5 vowels and 20 consonants. Through their languages they continue to transmit cultural knowledge to their generations.