Menieres disease
Clinical manifestations
Nursing care plan
Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)
Hearing loss
Feeling of fullness in the ear
Disorders of the inner ear that can lead to fatigue and weaknesses, dizzy, and hearing loss
Can affects both the ears
Disorders of the inner ear caused by distended of membranous labyrinth by the endolymph
Overproduction of endolymph resulting with vestibular and cochlear hair vell degenerating
Nursing diagnosis
Recurrent attack results in progressive with hearing los
The vestibular nerve(8th cranial nerve) is damaged
Risk for injury related to altered mobility and fatigue manifested by vertigo
Risk of fluid imbalance related to increase output, altered intake and medication
Patient is able to see normally again without any complications of the disorders that may lead to permanent blindness
Patient will be hydrated
nursing Interventions
Providw safety to the patient, ensuring nothing stands on the way of the patient that can cause patient to fall and get hurted
Ensuring that lights are on at all the times of the day
Assist patient on daily exercises such as, feeding the patient
Patients vision Better