
Aristotle did not believe that there is a universal definition for goodness.

Good life is objective for every organism and varies.

We discover good for organism - look for conditions under which they flourish

Everything aims at its particular purpose - dictates what it ought to be like ( TELOS)

Soul - is alive and performs a number of functions.

Organism flourishes depends on the function of the organisms soul.

Man is rational - different from animals due to reason ( growth sensing thinking)

Good life - man flourishes when they are happy and they are happy when they live according to reason.

Ethics concerned with happy/ good life = flourishing = telos= ergon ( good related to rationality.)

Eudemonia - ultimate telos of human - good life= happy life- an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue.

Happiness - Excellence/ virtue- applies to your overall life.

Purpose (telos) of human life is to live a good and happy life and happiness ( Eudemonia depends on cultivation of virtue (arete)

Man must live according to reason ( virtue) in order to achieve happiness hence virtue ethics.

Virtues = Character excellences for Aristotle - allow us humans to perform our proper functions.

Ethical virtues - Developed through practice and habit- courage

Entails keeping a balance between two extremes (Golden mean)

Importance of reason lies in its ability to figure out middle way between deficiency and access

Aristotle suggests we behave according to given circumstances.

Intellectual virtues - learned through instructions - provide a rational guide for moral virtue.

Virtue lead to happiness and are intrinsic ends.

Ethical virtues must be coupled with practical knowledge or prudence (skill/ intelligence)

For Aristotle Goodness is potentially inside each and everyone of us but it must be actualized by being cultivated.

Intellectual Virtues evaluate the right ethical virtues.

Ethical virtues help humans in their actions and intellectual virtues help humans to know how to choose good actions.

For Aristotle - Virtue to happiness and intrinsic ends.

Conditions to flourishing are related to the functions of the particular living thing.

Particular function is rationality since we distinguish human from animals and plants- "Man is a rational animal"

Ultimate end of human life (telos) is eudemonia (happiness). Eudemonia reached through proper use of man's function (ergon) - reason which allows us to cultivate virtue (arete)

Ethical virtues through habit (practiced)- Golden mean.