Bill Marler

he's an American lawyer

he is successful because he defends people with food poisoning

Marler visits his clients in hospitals

he has about 20 years of experience

pre-prepared foods pre-prepared foods


they are good for people who haven't got much time, they are very quick and convenient


they are often very dirty because they are touched by a lot of hands so they can cause infections

raw food

raw shellfish

people who eat raw shellfish can get sick because of microbes in the sea produced by the global warming

raw meat and eggs

they can be the cause of the salmonella bacterium

but salmonella cases are extreme, expecially in Europe where the rules about food security are very strict

unpasteurised milk and juices

can contain a lot of bacteria, viruses and parasites

4 rules to protect our healthy from food poisoning


keep leftover food in the fridge 180423-leftovers-stock-mn-1045


cross contamination


make sure you cook meat completely

wash your hands carefully and keep areas where you prepare food clean download

keep uncooked meat separate from other food