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Journalistic translation - Coggle Diagram
Journalistic translation
▶Newspapers – daily events and happenings, sometimes with political commentary of some kind.
▶ Magazines – longer stories, usually with commentary, that appear on a weekly or monthly basis
▶ Blogs and Websites – generally less regulated, often cultural-specific accounts of events for a particular demographic/audience
▶ News article – Purpose: To convey information by answering the questions of what, where, when, how, why and who as neutrally and objectively as possible, in order to tell people what has happened.
▶ Editorials - Purpose: To give opinions on current issues and events, written by the editorial board.
▶ Op-Eds (Opinion Editorials) - Purpose: To discuss and provide arguments on issues of relevance to the readers of the newspaper, written by named authors not associated with the newspaper's editorial board.
▶ Interviews – Purpose: To gather information to explain an idea, event or situation in the news.
▶ Letters to the Editor - Purpose: To provide reactions from readers to the content of the newspaper.
▶ Reviews - Purpose: To summarize and give commentary on books, films and performances.
journalistic text
Being produced to provide information of several kinds to the readers, an article must fulfil the informative function of the language.
you have in mind Jacobson’s function of language, the referential informative function.
However, depending on the journalist’s intentions or the newspaper’s political orientation, an article may also try to lead the readers’ opinions, thus using the vocative or persuasive function.
Usually, the two functions are present at the same time.
Unlike literary texts, an article has a standardised style and fixed norms of writing
We are in the big domain of specialize translation. The no literary text, there are norms, rules. So, there is a standardized style.
Sometimes, though, especially in opinion articles employing highly personal styles, the text can fulfil the expressive function of the language
Highly personal styles (remember the opinion editorials). These articles are special because they are written by historians, intellectuals. So, they can have an expressive function too.
• Alternation of high register and idiomatic expressions, according to the journalist’s style
types of interview
News interview: The purpose is to gather information to explain an idea, event or situation in the news.
The extended news interview can provide readers and listeners with interpretation, background and explanation.
The news interview can emphasize an aspect of a continuing story that the
reporter considers to have been overlooked or neglected
Profile: The focus is on an individual. A news peg (what makes your story newsworthy) is often used to justify the profile.
The profile should be seen as a minidrama, blending description, action and dialogue. Through the words and actions of the subject of the profile, with some help from the reporter's insertion of background and explanatory matter, the character is illuminated.
• As an instance of translation that has a lower degree of membership in the fuzzy set of translations, Garzone uses an Italian news wire (comunicato stampa) translated by specialised news outlets and its English source text, released by an international news agency
• This pair of news releases has been taken from a corpus of texts focusing on the ongoing Middle East crisis and associated international terrorism, consisting of 400 news wires, comprising English source texts and their Italian translations, as well as 100 articles related to them published in La Repubblica online edition. The corpus was collected from January to June 2015 for a wider study (Garzone and Degano 2017) aimed at reconstructing the changes undergone by agency copy in the various steps of the news production process
The digital turn
▶ All the reflections made so far had not considered the ‘channel’, ‘medium’ or ‘support’
▶ Everything that was said could apply smoothly to the pre-PC era – a more static world - Does it also apply to the current times?
▶ The western world lost its ideologies in 1989: ➢ science and technology replaced them
▶ We moved from a world with few (2) choices, to a world of (too) many choices ➢ Hence the disorientation
▶ The study of the new technologies, their applications and their effects at the linguistic level is the focus of multimodality studies
Features of multimodal language, by tags:
➢ medium
➢ semiotics
➢ choice
➢ participation
multimodality is “the use of several semiotic modes in the design of a semiotic product or event”, but – they add – “together with the particular way in which these modes are combined”
The multimedia / multimodal move calls for a redefinition of existing (before the mass digital era) communicative models
▶ In linguistics, especially of the code and the channel in their physical and semiotic meanings
▶ In translation, especially of the sender and the receiver.
professor Grego attemps to redifine this existing communicative models. Considering this changes that have occurred in our collaborative age.
➢ The author is now a multiauthor,
➢ the receiver a multireceiver,
➢ the medium a multimedium,
➢ the context a global context,
➢ the message is the multifaceted result of its original purpose, conveyed through all the above.
▶ Certainly, the issues raised by the digital and the Internet turns of language variously affect translation:
➢as the process of transfer from one multimode into another via multimedia operations and tools,
➢ as a practice immersed in a global, multimodal society
➢as a product that can derive from a multimedia original and be made into a multimedia target text,
▶ Images + Written Texts =
Basic Multimodality
Even the written page, without any images at all, must be arranged into a certain graphic layout
her suggested model. It takes into account and uses the multi-nature and prefix of these times. We have the the multiauthor, multigenre and multireader when with multigenre we mean forum, blog, webpage, webportal, social network etc. this is a word with all web authors who constitute multiauthor. All web readers and also she consideres all non-authors/non-readers.