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History paper 1 - Coggle Diagram
History paper 1
The U2 crisis
Khrushev refused to appear at the Paris peace conference which would have discussed reducing nuclear weapons.
To khrushev , it proved that peaceful coexistence could jot exist.
On May 1st , 1960 , An American spy plane known as the U2 flew over Soviet airspace and photographed military bases and other sensitive sites.
The plane flew 23,000 meters above ground.
It was brandcasted on Soviet television that an American plane had been captured. However , the Soviet left out the fact that they knew what it contained.
The President Isenhour invited that it was just a weather plane until he was forced to deal with the overwhelming evidence.
The Berlin crisis
Belin for many East Berlin was a disappointment. They could see how much better the west Berliners were with their goods and luxury items. To them it was an ideological defeated as communism was supposedly better
Many people began to defect to the west. Approximately 2.2 million people left east Berlin. This caused a severe brain dump.
On the 13th of August 1961, East German troops lined between the border of East and West Berlin ; they began the co traction of the wall.
Officially , the wall was built to prevent spies but unofficially, the wall was built to prevent the brain dump which was the max exodus of educate doeople from East Berlin and Germany.
In October, an American diplomat and his wife were things to go to the cinema. However , they were prevented ad they did not shoe the guards their documents.
In 1963 , Kennedy travelled over to West Berlin and proclaimed I ich berliner speech.
The Prague spring
Czekyslovakia was a very authoritarian Communists country. There were no freedoms and all media was censored by the Communists government.
The leader Navotny was heavily currupt and authoritarian. Brezhnev, the new leader, knew that he was disliked unti he was forced to resigh from office.
The unpopular navona is forced to resignation and Alexander Dubček assumes the role of prime minister of Czekyslovakia.
The Brezhnev doctrine
The Brezhnev doctrine ws developed after the Czekyslovian Prague spring. It stated that if any country wanted to leave the Warsaw pact or Communists influence, then there would be serious consequences.
Initially, America wanted to end all talks with the soviets. However , they chose to view it as defensive and thought that Breznev was only interested within the Communists world.
Detante was a period when both the USSR and USA saw eye to eye. In this time , agreements were made , to reduce the number of nuclear weapons and the threat of war decreased.
The Cuban missile crisis
Us troops assembly in florida with the biggest invasion force since the second world war. Simultaneously, khrushev sends a letter saying that they will withdraw only if America days no invasion took place and they remove their bases from Turkey. (1963 26th October)
The bay of pigs invasion was a failed invasion by the CIA which saw exilwd Cubans Tey to retake the country. It failed.
Relationships between Castro'scuba and khrushev had grown. What originally began as trade treaties swiftly turned into military treaties. Soon , Cuba had began to hold nuclear weapons for The USSR.
Yalta Conference
Stalin wanted to ensure that a pro communist's government came to power in Poland. However , there were problems because Britain and America wanted to put in power the London Poles who were the cabinmate of Poland living in exile.
the border of Poland was to be returned to how it was in 1921 , giving Russia greater influence in the region.
Stalin agreed that the future of eastern European countries would be determined by the people in fair and free elections.
Potsdam , July - August 1945
The soviets were given the poorest areas. to appease them , it was agreed that 1/4 of industrial equipment would be given to the soviets.
There were major disagreements on the governing of Eastern Europe. Stalin wanted to install pro communist countries near the USSR in order to increase his sphere of influence.
The USSR wanted to impose harsh sanctions on Germany whereas the US and UK felt that it would harm Germany's economic recovery.
they feared that this would create another world war as the "harsh" treaty of versille lead to the facist and brutal Germany.
the Atomic Bomb
On the 16th of august , the US successfully tested their first nuclear bomb, Truman informed Stalin but was not willing to share the secret. This made Stalin incredibly suspicious of the west and encouraged him to make his own nuclear weapons'. this began the arms race.
The Secret Telegrams
Truman and Stalin both feared the Breakdown of the grand alliance. Both received incredibly destressing telegrams from their ambassadors claiming that the other side could not be trusted.
the Novikov Telegrams
After the death of Roosevelt , America was no longer interested in diplomacy.
The secret telegrams made both countries believe that there was great possibility for war. The USSR believed that war was inevitable whilst the US thought Stalin as the "new Hitler." By the end of 1946 , the grand alliance had been eroded.
in march of 1946 , Churchill made a speech in America declaring the Iron Curtain seperating the west and Commonest east.
1950's West vs East
Nato and the Warsaw pact
12 original countries including including 3 with nuclear capabilities ( UK, USA and France)
Article 5 aimed to provide collective security as an attack on kne memeber would mean an attack on all.
Warsaw pact
Over 5 million troops, 10,000 tanks and 35,000 aircraft.
The Arms race
In 1945 , America was the fist country to develop nuclear weapons.
When dropped ok Hiroshima and Nagesaki, great damage was caused.
Stain feared this new invention and though espionage , started the development of his own nuclear weapons.
In 1952 , America developed the hydrogen bomb which caused the society to develop their own bombs. This continued until the Czar bomb was dropped on the 30th October 1961.
The space race :
In 1957 , the Russian satellite sputnik was the first ever object to be flown into space. Thus was a major ideological victory for the Soviets as it gave them a major ideological victory over their rivals in the west.
In 1969 , Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon.
In 1961 , the soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space.
Advanced the arms race as the technology used for the rockets was also used in the making of ICBM's.
The Hungarian uprising
After the war , Hungary was deep in the influence of the Soviets
An unpopular leader , Matayas Rakoski ,was made the president of Hungary by stating as he was a Stalinist.
A new leader , Nikita Khrushev, had came into power and began the process of Destalinisation. He called for peaceful coexistence between the east and west aswell as offerd pardons to people whom Stalin persecuted.
On the 23rd of October, 1956 , many students took to the streets asking for more fredoms and for less communism.
Much to the people dismay , he called for a gradual return to power back to stalin and the Communist party.
On the 31st of October, many people demande for the independence and sovereignty of Hungary by leaving the Warsaw pact. Khushev could not have this and so he sent In the tanks.
Nagy rejected communism, imposed democracy and released political prisoners.
On the 4th of October, Soviet troops crushed the rebellion.
200,000 Hungarian refugees fled.
The west including the US did not act. Firstly , many in the US believed that it was outside the policy of containment. However , due to the fact it was in The Soviet sphere of influence interfering could be seen as an act of war.
The UN voted to condem what was going on in Hungary however, their were too distracted because of the crisis in the Suez canal.
Conflict in Asia
Vietnam war
Until 1950 , Vietnam as well as other countries were coloniesd by France and were apart of the region known as indo China.
In 1950 , the leader of the Viet-Minh known as Ho chi Minh proclaimed a free Vietnam.
The Viet-Minh used different tactics known as Gorilla tactics. Despite their supitiour weaponry , the French lost 90,000 casualties.
At the Battle of Dien Bien Phu (1954) , the French were defeated. And withdrew.
In 1954 , a conventional was met in Geneva to discuss what would happen in Vietnam. It was decided that it would be split down the 17th parallel with a communist state in the North and a capitalist state in the south.
It was planned that 2 years later , there would be temporary elections. However , I senhora discouverd distressing messages that around 80-90% would vote for Ho Chi Minh.
Fears over rhe domino theory lead to the development of the new look theory which stated saw goods , weapons and military personally being sent to Vietnam
Fearing that the unpopular Diem was losing power in Vietnam, America approved the removal of him from power.
The domino theory was a theory that stated that if one country turned Communists, then it could spread to other countries.
Korean war 1950
The leader in the North was Kim ill sung. He was communist and looked to china as an inspiration as well as the USSR.
This was the first instance of a proxy war. All the two major power , America and the USSR , had a major role to play in this war. The USSR offered weapons
Japan had controlled Korea since 1910. After Japan was defeated in the second world war, there were plans of free elections in the whole country but what happend was that the North was ruled by a communist Goverment whilst the South was ruled by a capitalist government.
In 1949 , Kim ill sung asked staying for help in invading the South. Staying declined the offer however asked China to get involved and reluctantly sent weapons to aid the North. He did this because he fears an encounter with the 7500 US troops stationd in South Korea.
The South Koreans were pushed back down to the areakn referred to a the ousan square and the city of Seol is captured.
The USSR couldn't interview because they had been boycotting the UN over china's recognition after it had become communist.
Chinese Civil war
The second world war had left China ravaged as both the Communists and Nationsalist joined forces to defeated a common enemy. However , after the war ended , a brutal civil war ravaged across the country.
On the first of October, the Communists lead by Mao Ze Dong gained the upper hand and forced the defeated Nstionlaidt to the small island of Taiwan.
To the west , it was a massive ideological defeated as the most populis country on the planet had fallen to communism.
Although it looked like victory of Stalin , China did not want to be apart of their shpeare of influence.
Sources of tension
58,000 men had died in America by the end of the 60's
For many , it was clear that the war was unwinnable.
Human rights
The harsh stalinist purges and brutal regimes were over. However, some human rights issues were raised up after the Hungarian revolution in 1956 and fed Prague spring in 1968.