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Concepts of Leadership relate to each other and how they build long term…
Concepts of Leadership relate to each other and how they build long term success
Leadership & Motivation
A large portion of a leader’s duty is the motivation of the workforce this is linked to the theories of motivation because the leaders of an organisation have the voice to implement furthermore it is their responsibility with the gender and leadership as they have to make sure that the equality.
Leadership has a key role to play in motivating employees to perform and encouraging customers to purchase and keep on purchasing your product or services. It is a different role to that of, for example, a line manager who may know your work intimately and provide appraisal as well as guidance and steer. Leadership in a motivational sense is about setting the direction and focus of an organisation, making sure you have the support of your employees and creating a strong, positive, forward-looking energy that will drive your organisation towards its vision and goals
Culture in relation to leadership
Gender and leadership directly link with the culture of an organisation this can be because some have old fashioned approach where women aren't promoted and are treated like PAs. Then some organisations where women are treated as equals which means they company will spend the same amount of money but have double the amount of output.
The culture of an organisation depends on the leadership. Business leaders must be aware of the considerable challenges that bad work culture brings to not being able to motivate staff to increase output, bringing changes to the organisation and the general wellbeing of their employees. Furthermore, they need to be leading by example about the type of culture their organisation has for example, a laisse fair approach, 'this is how it's done why change it’ or a better approach like work place is considered a family with values that they don't just talk about but follow as well or having an open culture where employees feel like they can talk to management if they have any issues.
What is leadership
Leadership is a very important part of developing any ideas in business. This relates to identifying leadership where when you understand what leadership is the net step is identifying the leadership and seeing who the leaders are in the organisation and promote them into management and senior positions.
Leadership can usually be represented by a representative taking action and working and leading by example which they then try and motivate the workforce.
Gender & Leadership
The Gender and Leadership concept is linked to all aspects leadership as the leaders in the business need to be setting the example of how we treat women with culture, motivation, identifying leaders and training.
Interestingly the highest category in both top executive business positions and high political offices indicate that the fact that women are held to higher standards than men is a key reason why they do not rise to the top so often.
When it comes to leadership, in many western societies people assume that women have as good a chance as men at achieving a top leadership role. Unfortunately evidence shows this is not the case
Almost four in ten businesses in G7 countries have no women in senior management positions. Globally, the proportion of senior business roles held by women stands at 24%, up slightly from 22% in 2015. However, this minor uplift has coincided with an increase in the percentage of firms with no women in senior management, at 33% in 2016 compared to 32% last year.
Motivational theories
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a textbook definition of a motivational theory because everyone needs the things to survive and it is the biggest motivation and then as you need things less the motivation gets smaller as well.
The motivation theories often link into the leadership & motivation most prominently as it is the area where these theories can be tested and implemented into the organisation.
Identifying Leadership
The identification of leadership then leads to the training of leadership because it is the natural cause of progression, especially for the management team of organizations with poor leadership skills that need to be improved upon
The different types of leadership can be conceptualised in a variety of ways. A lot of the time the longer you spend identifying leadership the more difficult it can be to find.
In terms of results based leadership great leaders may lead but describing them as great is little use if they do not achieve anything
Defining leadership as person based puts too much emphasis on individual characteristics. No consideration of context, results, process, position or purpose.
Leadership theory from a position based perspective is based on leaders at the top of a hierarchy
If subordinates do as leaders ask them from a position based perspective then this means that leaders are relatively superior in the hierarchy
The process-based view of leadership assumes that people to whom we attribute the term leadership acts differently from non-leaders
Skills that motivate followers are key to the leadership as process view of leadership
Most of our assumptions about leadership are based on our own cultural backgrounds rather than that of other countries. This can apply to organisational culture as well as national and international examples.
The study of followership is core to the process based view of leadership
The leadership as Position theory has been criticised for lack of consideration of distribution of leadership through organisations It tends to assume that all of the power s structured hierarchically within an organisation (i.e. most of it rests with the leader).
Training for leadership
While multilevel leadership is common and desirable in organisations, there are some elements of it that remain with ‘top management’: setting the strategic direction for the organisation. This is where the training and the making of a good leader relate as just because someone is in a high position doesn't make them a good leader but they need that training to get there.
The training for leadership strongly relates to the culture of leadership this is because when an organisation is training people they want as their leaders they are setting the culture of the whole organisation. This is not just by what they are taught and shown to implement but also who they pick and when for example if they don't hire women that is going to impact the culture of the whole organisation.
What makes for good leadership
What makes a good leader and identifying then go hand in hand because you need to be able to identify a good leader but know what makes a good leader for example when I worked at the CO-OP I alway prided myself on being a manager that support all the employees with training and personal development.
When identifying leadership you need to find the individuals that influence and enhance the day-to-day decisions of the organisation while in the short term maintaining financial stability.