Drama Play




Facial Expressions


Soldier travelled through time

Convicted for treason

Tries to disagree

Gets convicted nontheless

Executed, dies


Emotional Range

At first, I will yell loudly when I discovered I have been convicted of treason. Then, I will be quiet just before I die. This will make the audience more thoughtful and have the play last for longer in their minds by having an abrupt change in the dying moments.

I will pause when the gun loading sound plays. Then, the heartbeat sound will play, gradually intensifying. As the heartbeat reaches a climax, a gunshot will play, and I will die. This will create tension with the sudden pause and the heartbeat echoing louder, which draws to the climax of me dying

I will use emotional range to express anguish at first, and then disbelief when I'm about to die. This will invoke the emotions of the audience by first making them feel enraged because of the anguish and then thoughtful after the disbelief.



I will gesticulate when I try to explain myself. Then, as the soldiers ignore me, I will turn to the audience, looking angry. Someone will then throw a tomato that hits me in the face.

I will look angry and frustrated when the others don't listen to me. Then, I will swing a hand in front of one of the imaginary "guards", who will bat that hand away.

I will have high energy when I try to argue. Then, as the gun loading sound plays, I will tense up and my body will shake. There will also be a heartbeat sound in the background. The heartbeat sound gradually grows louder and faster, and ends with a gunshot, at which point my head goes down and I die.

Elements of Performance

This is an interesting concept because it involves political shifts and the damage that people suffered because they aligned with the "wrong" side.

Travelling through time from 1939-1949 meant that a Chinese Nationalist Party soldier is being put into a Communist environment

I like this part because even though he protected the country, he was still convicted. This is deeply ironic.

This highlights his helplessness when facing conviction and death, and highlights how war brings bad things to people.



I will use marching music and then a gunshot sound to invoke emotion within my audience. The marching music has a fast beat, which helps create tension, while the gunshot sound will help people imagine the gunshot and result in a climax.

Tomato (sponge)


I will use a sponge tomato to symbolized public hatred. This is because people throw tomatoes at people who are "public enemies". Therefore, using a tomato will symbolize public hatred.

I will use shackles to symbolize that I am a prisoner.

I will use pencil to draw a black circle around my eyes. This will show that I am a prisoner of war