Hercule Poirot, the protagonist of the story, is a celebrated Belgian detective who stumbles on a murder investigation when a man in his train car, Mr. Ratchett, is murdered. Poirot is a short, bald man who’s inordinately devoted to personal grooming and fashion, giving the impression of a ridiculous dandy to many of the other passengers. However, Poirot uses that appearance of ridiculousness to overhear and solicit information critical to the case. He speaks multiple European languages, which allows him to alternately challenge suspects or put them at ease. He uses his extraordinary talent for logic and deduction to solve the murder, conducting extended interviews focused on each suspect’s emotional state. Poirot’s friend, M. Bouc, serves as his foil, as he approaches the case emotionally, gets distracted by convenient evidence, and proves himself wholly incompetent at detective work.