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Reducing the Development Gap - Coggle Diagram
Reducing the
Development Gap
Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs)
What are they?
created in
Sep 2000
created to 'establish peace
and a healthy global economy'
highlight major issues like:
children's health
female empowerment
sustainable environment
set to be
by 2015
Why created?
new century was cause for optimism
& to do something meaningful
in 1999, half of world's population
in LEDCs living on less than $1.25 a day
infant and maternal mortality
rates remained stubbornly high
education not
role of women displayed
serious inequalities
many LEDCs in serious debt caused
by large-scale borrowing to finance development projects in 19602
pattern of international trade favouring
MEDCs at huge expense of LEDCs
What were
reduce poverty + its associated
problems, including lack of
employment, hunger +
disease (goal 1,2,4,5,6)
work towards environmental
sustainability (goal 7)
promote gender
equality (goal 3)
establish global partnership
for development (goal 8)
What were impacts
on global develp.?
eradicate extreme
poverty + hunger
halve between 1990 + 2015
proportion of people whose
income less than £1 a day
most successful
in 1990 - 47% of ppl living
on less than $1.25 but by
2015 - only 14%
in 1990 - 1.9bn people fell
below poverty line + target
to reduce no. by half was
achieved by 2010 -
5 yrs ahead of schedule
2/3 decline in
no. of people in
extreme poverty
still 14% of
population living
in extreme poverty
Sub-Saharan Africa unable to
achieve target reduction with 41%
of the regions population in 2015 still
living in extreme poverty
achieve full and productive employment
and decent work for all, including women
and young people
least successful
figure dropped from 1926mil
in 1990 to 836mil in 2015
no. of employees living in extreme
poverty reduced in 25yrs from 50%
to 11% in 2015
only 4 in 10 (young men + women
aged 15-24) are employed in 2015
compared to 5 in 10 in 1991
10% drop while partly due to staying
in school longer
74 million youth looking for
jobs globally - 3x higher than
adult number
halve between 1990 and 2015, the
proportion who suffer from hunger
figure decreased from 23.3%
in 1990-1992 to 12.9% between
2014-2016 (10.4% decrease)
proportion of underweight children
(another indicator of hunger) reduced
by 50% worldwide since 1990
countries in E+S Asia, N Africa
and Latin America reached target
didn't reach 'cutting 1/2'
target that was set
Sub-Saharan Africa,
Caribbean + parts S.Asia
still below target
approx 780mil ppl in
LEDCs still suffer from hunger
achieve universal
primary education
by 2015 - children
everywhere (boys + girls)
would be able
to complete full course of
primary school
progress accelerated
considerably since 2000
East Asia, Pacific,
Europe + Central Asia -
close to/have reached
Middle East + N.Africa
steadily mproved to 95%
in 2012
S.Asia reached 91% in
2009 but progress slow
in LEDCs - no. children
attending school
has halved since 1996
in 2012 - more than 90% of
children in urban areas
completed primary
primary school completion rate
dropped short of 100% to 91% for
developing countries since 2009
real challenges lie in Sub-Saharan
Africa which lags behind with 70%
primary completion rate - 2012
80% out of school children
live in S.Asia + SS.Africa
only 35% of developing countries
are on track to meet MDG2
28% seriously off track + unlikely
to achieve target even by 2030
17% LEDCs - data
availability remains
to assess progress
in 2012 - only 15% of children in
rural areas completed primary
boys more likely than
girls to enrol + stay in school
2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)
What are
complete work set out
in MDG programme
safeguard human rights
and gender equality
stimulate action in the 5Ps:
PEOPLE - end poverty + hunger in all forms and ensure dignity and equality
PLANT - protect our planet's natural resources and climate for future generations
PARTNERSHIP - implement the agenda through a solid global partnership
PEACE - foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies
PROSPERITY - ensures prosperous and fulfilling lives in harmony with nature
implement policies that will
promote sustainable development
What are they?
set of 17 universally
integrated objectives
accompanied by total of 169
concrete targets and indicators
How SDGs built
on MDGs?
MDGs issues -
many regional
some goals not met (gender
equality + maternal healthcare)
more than 120mil worldwide
still lack basic literacy skills +
60% are women
SDGs are built on MDGs and
aim to go further and end poverty in
SDGs are unique and call
for action by all countries
new global goals cover more
ground - ambitions addressing
inequalities, decent jobs, climate
change, human settlements
new goals apply to all
core feature of SDGs is strong
focus on implementation - hoped
financial institutions + private corporation join
to deliver SDGs
new goals recognise tackling
climate change is essential for
sustainable development +
poverty eradication