Major Aquatic (Water) Ecosystems
Freshwater Ecosystems (not salty)
Ocean/Marine Ecosystem (really salty)
River (moving water)
Lakes (stationary), classified as...
Oligotrophic (nutrient poor => not a lot of photosynthetic organisms)
Eutrophic (nutrient rich => lots of photosynthetic organisms)
E.g., Bogs and marshes
Watersheds (rivers or lakes)
open, deep ocean (nutrient poor => organism poor)
shallow coastal water (nutrient rich => has lots of organisms)
E.g., coral reefs
E.g., Mangroves
e.g., Intertidal zones
Estuaries (where Freshwater and Ocean meet)
Ecosystems consist of...
Major Terrestrial (Land) Ecosystems (Biomes)
Canadian Biome 1: Temperate Deciduous Forest
Canadian Biome 2: Boreal Forest
Canadian Biome 4: Tundra
Canadian Biome 3: Grasslands
Canadian Biome 5: Mountain Forest